Friday, October 10, 2008

West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country road

The latest American Research Group (ARG) poll has BO ahead by 8 pts in West I ask, WTF is going on?

This is the state where BO took barely 25% of the vote during the Democratic primary. I know I've been telling anyone who'd listen that WV's 5 electoral votes were not a lost cause, but I didn't really think he could do it.
So wassup with that? Well, a lot of pundits have put it down to Joe Biden's enthusiasm for that filthy crap liars call clean coal, but I ain't buying it. Sure, there's a few people working in the WV coal industry, but there's loads more who'd like to be able to breath, and they've had enough of coal corporation CEOs taking their morning craps in West Virginian drinking water resevoirs.

No, here at Pants all the experts agree the massive gain is down to the economy. Not only is the recession costing jobs in WV, but it's also effecting tourism, and when tourism dries up West Virginians struggle to get hold of food staples like visitor. Having said that I think the BO campaign could do a lot worse than risking dropping in on the state themselves, a show of strength. If McNasty has to start fighting for states like MO, WV and GA it's all over.

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