Monday, October 20, 2008

Blah, blah, socialist, blah, Joe/Sam the plumber/tax dodger

Looks like it's back to business as usual for the Plain/McRubbish campaign with more nasty lies and false accusations, the latest being that BO's a French socialist.
Communist Manifesto
Now, I'm not quite sure what's so bad about French socialists, except for being French of course ;) but, what does amaze me is that we're supposed to accept that they've only just realized. I mean they've been at this campaigning malarky for a year or so, yet McGrumpa's gang reckon they only just noticed that BO's a communist, and let's face it, that's where they're going with this. Perhaps they just caught him with a copy of Das Kapital, or getting the familly fitted out for Chairman Mao suits, but I doubt it, my money's on Johnny telling fibs again, you see he just can't help himself.
Familly Mao Suits
Despite the latest revelations it seems events over the weekend cost McGrumpa a few more million votes. Secretary of State Colin Powell's considered endorsement of BO will have had an impact on some voters, but there's no doubt that the greatest damage suffered by McRubbish this weekend was caused by his little Alaskan helper's uncomfortable SNL appearance, how satirical did she look?

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