Friday, October 17, 2008

Robo-lies cost McNasty his New Hampshire vote!

So the McCrappy campaign's robo-calling is already backfiring, their lies already turning off voters.

Today, a 92 yr old swing voter, Robo-Callingand quite possibly McCrap's only potential New Hampshire vote, announced that after hearing the scurrilous robo-lies he's decided against voting for 'the special interests one'.

Talk about a schizophrenic campaign! On the one hand you have McCain claiming during the 3rd presidential debate that he has and would continue to call out any republican who dares to make contentious claims about his opponent, then the very next day the RNC set about spending their last pennies smearing his opponent....perhaps McGrumpa doesn't see the RNC as being republican.

Could it be that the McCain campaign is as disorganized as it is dishonest?

P.S. The photograph is not one of John McCain's tele-robots, it features a perfectly innocent child who has absolutely nothing to do with the desperate presidential candidate.

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