Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama leads by over 170 electoral votes, and McManDiaper's happy?

Something strange is happening, maybe McCrappy's discovered Prozac, but depending on which electoral map you use, and we at Pants use the electoral-vote.com map, BO is leading this race by a mile or two. Electoral-vote.com has BO leading by 357 EVs to 181 EVs, meaning that Johnny McTedious trails by 176 EVs, a substantial lead in anyone's books, but the straight talker is telling anyone that'll listen -- which apart from a few rabid racists, Fixed News and Wolf Blitzer is not too many -- that he has BO 'exactly where we want him'!

Now I'm all for a bit of straight talk, but c’mon Johnny, if this is exactly where you want him, what the fuck does it have to look like before your campaign starts to worry? Utah getting competitive?

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