Yeah well, it all came down to her intervention in the end, and that was it, we got 'dubbya' for the next 8 years, and what a price we paid. But, 'my friends' I've got some bad news, that was nothing, b-b-b-baby you just ain't seen nothing yet.
The Obama campaign met a great challenge by registering millions of new voters, but registering voters and having the Bush installed neo-con officials around the country actually process those registrations are two quite different challenges.
Today we've heard about the first of the 'problems' with all the new voter registrations. It turns out that a community organization called ACORN, who'd been employed by the Obama campaign to register voters, dropped off loads of false applications, like names that didn't exist and addresses that weren’t there and stuff.
Now, I'm not condoning it, but this is what you get when you pay people a commission on each form they get people to fill out. In this case it looks like they filled them out themselves, most apparently were in the same handwriting, maybe it was a neo-con plant placed to discredit the whole process. Either way, the point is these are not votes, none of these invented people would've been able to vote, yet the republicans will use this to cast aspersions on millions of legitimate registrations, the beginnings of a perfect republican plot.
I just hope the polls hold up, because if this thing gets anywhere near close it's going to get very, very dirty.
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