Well, first I guess I should give a brief synopsis of that thing they called a debate last night, I understand that the reason the Republican representative
Anyway, it went like this...
Alaska, Alaska, Mavericky goodness, Alaska, wink, wink, team of mavericks, Alaska, six packs, Maverick, bi-partisan, Alaska, wink, heal click, wink, wink, it’s drill baby drill, Alaska, pipeline, wink, Hockey I mean soccer Mom, two heal clicks, nudge, wink, spending, Alaska, third grade class shout out, Mavericky Alaskan Soccer team, Thank you, thank you.
I mean I know this was supposed to be a political debate, but considering the circumstances and the last minute drop out I think she did really, really well. You have to remember that the stand in didn’t have a clue what they were talking about, and although it was pretty obvious at times, over all I think she handled herself well, she even mentioned one of John McNasty’s policies, which is incredible when you think about it, and she looked just great!
I did feel that Gwen Iffle was a little tough on her, I know the questions had been prepared ages ago and were all on the subject of politics, but it wouldn’t have taken a brain wave person to think up at least one question about making an M&M Smudgy or something.
Sure for most of the time it was obvious she didn‘t have a clue, but who would eh? you can forgive her those repetitive nervous winks at camera, obviously there’s no way the real Governor Palin would wink at the United Nations when addressing them. Credit where credit is due I say, she did Dairy Queen proud last night, and I bet she gets a rousing reception when she gets back to the Wassilla branch, they’ll be throwing back swirls ‘til the early hours.
Well done the stand in.
I am hoping that I’ll suddenly wake from this horribly disturbing dream soon. It’s the only way I’m able to deal with what happened last night, this must be a dream. America has become an Idiocracy, our standards have slipped so far that there were pundits on television last night trying to convince anyone that would listen that she did great, that by definition she is qualified to become President!
The woman gave a ‘shout out’ to some 3rd graders, for God’s sake it was the vice presidential debate, not a fucking game show!
This country happens to be the world’s greatest super-power, and with a crashing economy and not one but two wars going on, it is in an extremely perilous state. The purpose of this debate was to reassure the people of this country and the world at large that both of these candidates, if called upon, were capable of handling the job of President, as one could become the most powerful person on the planet, and Palin is winking, clicking her heals and giving ‘shout outs’.
Frankly, it brought home to me just how dangerous McUnbelievablyShit’s choice was, she is so clearly out of her depth, I almost feel sorry for her, McBollocks is another story all together. It is ridiculous to think that the Republican party have no better candidate for Vice President, what a thoroughly political choice this was.
This choice wasn’t made with the best interests of the American public in mind. I don’t care how Fox News casters claim that she exploded expectations, if that was exploding expectations, WTF were they expecting?
Anyway, in other news McRubbish is continuing to be found out, it seems the people of Michigan have seen through it now and join us lot in California as a state McCrap doesn’t feel is worthy of his message, because we will see through it. He’s effectively shut down operations in Michigan, I am sure with the hope that Barack Obama is stupid enough to follow suit, which he obviously must not, cannot and will not do.
Wednesday brought in a new month and a new shape to the electoral college map, at last I’m feeling some reserved confidence in the US electorate, and beginning to believe that they’re not quite as stupid as the main stream media, and most politicians would like them to be. The last two weeks have been an absolute catastrophe for team McPlain, the economic meltdown has been one aspect and it’s clear with the shenanigans in the lower House and the confusion among the general public that no one really has a fucking clue what’s going on, but the one thing that has stuck is McCrap’s poor handling of the crisis, after all the fundamentals are strong, right?
McAngry read BO’s introspection as somehow being indecisive, but I guess BO feels it’s better being indecisive than being decisively wrong. BO was also accused by team McLosing of taking too long to respond, but then it turns out McCrap responded before he even read the bill, perhaps BO likes to know what he’s voting on. At least he actually bothered to read the fucking bill, Johnny!
It’s good to see all those caring Fiscal Republicans, you know the ones that voted against the bill last time around, because they were so concerned about the cost to the taxpayer, yeah that lot! Well now they’re agreeing to support it, but what changed you ask, did the bill get trimmed down so it was less of a cost to the taxpayer? No, the bill had an extra 100 Billion dollars of pork projects added to it.
Fiscal Republicans my ass, they held off until they got the 100 Billion in corporate tax breaks they needed for their paymasters. I hope there are conditions allowing this bill to be revisited as soon as the Dems are in power. It’s so obvious that these disgusting repugs are fucking the country up as much as they can, just so a Barack Obama presidency has a big pile of shit, but no money to deal with it when he takes office. These people should be in prison.
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