I mean it can't be anything to do with her being found guilty of abusing the power of her elected office to pursue personal vendettas, can it? The mainstream media don't seem to think it's relevant at all, and who can blame them? what does it matter that the person sitting a heart beat away from becoming the leader of the free world is a cheap crook?
Here's the ambiguous language of the Alaskan ethics investigation findings (c/o Wonkette):
Guilty, schmilty, her guilt doesn't bother the media, and why should it? She's a great gal, she goes to church and chases witches and their spells away, she hunts polar bears and cooks their little cubs.
What more could you ask of the leader of a complex global economy? Well, in my humble opinion a fuck of a lot more.
The MSM's reaction to the ethics investigation's findings has been a fraud in itself, it's totally outrageous. This person is standing for election as Vice President of the United States to a seventy two year old President with a history of cancer, yet I have had CNN on all morning (Monday) and there has not been a single mention of the investigation's findings. Now, the news may well be kept quiet over here, but the rest of the world will be reading all about it, what a fucking embarrassment!
I am starting to loathe McCrap and his amatruerish campaign, and anyone who could still vote for the current Republican party. I have had it with their desperate struggle to hold onto power, for the sake of power, their election has nothing to do with the best interests of the American people, it's purely political, and purely about what is in their best interests.
If Sarah Palin was the single most qualified person in the Republican party to stand as Vice President then they are without doubt a spent political force. If she hadn't been so palpably under qualified the media wouldn't have had to spend so much time scrambling to paper over her many character flaws.
Perhaps the fact that she knowingly abused her powers and then assured the American people that she hadn't, did not surprise the media, but what does that tell you about the expectations we have of our leaders? Has the bar really fallen that low?
There's another issue in all of this, you hear people talking about Wooten being a nasty piece of work and deserving it, perhaps he did. But, whether you think she was justified or not, you have to remember that before he dared to divorce sister Palin, Michael Wooten was a respected member of the Palin household, he was plain old uncle Mike. Sarah Palin never complained about any of his abusive behaviour before, perhaps she was cool with all the drinking, and tasering, and moose worrying, or was it that she didn't feel that the public needed protecting from him as long as he was married to her sister? what does that tell you about her character?
However you look at this, it's an outrage and definitely not becoming of a potential Vice President. A diarist at the DailyKos over the weekend questioned what the media reaction would've been had Joe Biden been found guilty of the same abuse of power....just a thought.
Where's the fucking media coverage?
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