To highlight his point, he went on to say that it wasn't as if he was taking money from working people and giving it to say, a massive welfare see what happened there? BO said the words ‘welfare system’, and with an opponent as quick witted as old McGrumps you just can't go taking risks like speaking words. As quick as a whistle McGrumpy cleverly changed it around, and told everyone that BO was creating a giant welfare system for all of his African American friends, which would be really, really scary.....Brilliant John, just brilliant!
- I don’t like the Ted Steven’s court case one bit. First off, I don’t like that the story’s disappeared from the front pages, and secondly when a jury asks to break for the night during deliberations, because they’re feeling ’too stressed’, it's a bad sign, if they all agreed on a verdict they’d be back out there in a flash with their black caps on.
Then again this is an Alaskan jury, and you know they're gonna be split along partisan lines, which in Alaska means 70% self-serving, corrupt repugnants, to 30% angelic democrats. Their instinct would be to aquit the oldest man on earth, so in those circumstances perhaps a long debate is a good thing. Anyway, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see, and keep everything crossed for Mark Begich.
-The latest repugnant 527 TV commercial in Califronia accuses that evil black man running for president of hating babies. They refer to a speech he gave on teen pregnancy in which he talked about the desperate need for all new babies to be born into a loving environment, they needed to be wanted, and how teen pregnancies often left the mother feeling ‘punished’ by the arrival of a baby.
The ad - shows the clip of his speech where he talks of teen mothers feeling ‘punished with a baby’ then the clip abruptly stops, and cuts to a late twenties/early thirties(?) mother who repeats punished with a baby! punished senator? Then the ad wraps up warning us not to trust a president who doesn't care about the sanctity of life etc.
So there you have it, according to McNasty, a vote for BO is a vote for baby killing.
Of course it all sounds quite unbelievable, but as I dug a little deeper I came across the picture above, which seems to show Senator Obama trying to eat a baby. Of course, on seeing it I was as confused as you, I searched for some explanation, but came up with nothing. Finally, I realized it takes two to tango, and my dance partner was the devil on this one, I decided to go straight to the horses mouth, and contact the Obama campaign. I called and pushed for a response, maybe I pushed a little too hard, here’s what they told me…‘Sir, as I explained we’re extremely busy at the moment, no one by that name works here….sir, you’re being ridiculous, if you don’t have a name of someone you would like to speak with, I’ll be forced to hang up….no, he‘s traveling at the moment, please sir, unless you give me a real name I’m going to hang up…..OK, then I’m hanging up…’ and, they hung up.
Now, don’t shoot the messenger, I’m just putting it out there, make of it what you will.
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