Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today Bill Maher's doppelganger faces the wrath of the Democratic caucus in Senate

So, today in the Senate everyone's favorite honest broker Senator Lieberman will face the wrath of the Democratic caucus. Finally, the two-faced wretch will have to suffer the Lieberman Admired by GOPconsequences of his treachery, he will be made to pay what we anticipate will be a severe political price for his political skullduggery. After all this is the man that gambled on the wrong horse so-to-speak and stabbed President-elect Obama squarely between the shoulder blades after giving his word (!) that he wouldn't.

Much as I’d like to, I’m getting tired of venting my ire about Lieberman, because, well basically, it never seems to vent. I feel like the bile I let out always seems to find its way right back into the pit of my gut. I can barely look at Lieberman’s perpetually smug face without feeling an unstoppable urge to punch something....so I decided to scour the intertoobs for an objective view on precisely what level of punishment Liarman could face, and over at The DailyKos I found
Karateexplosions fabtastic Lieberman diary, enjoy....

Lieberman, It's Judgment Day:  Here Is Your Sentence

Tue Nov 18, 2008 at 07:50:01 AM PST

We all have seen the evidence against Senator Joe Lieberman, founder and member of the Joe Lieberman for Joe Lieberman Party of Connecticut.  He has repeatedly attacked President-Elect Obama, endorsed Republicans, spoke at the Republican National Convention in support of the Republican nominee, and has overall been a general douche.

Think Progress has a long list of shit Joe Lieberman has done wrong, including...

Said Obama's plans would bring about a depression:

"Lieberman compared Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama’s economic plan to former president Herbert Hoover’s approach, which he said ‘turned a recession into a depression.’"

Claimed that bloggers like us are adding "toxicity" to politics:

Sitting next to Rep. John Boehner, Lieberman complained about "the kind of divisiveness of the cable news coverage of politics, talk radio." He said "the bloggers have added another dimension of vituperation toxicity to it. The majority of people are sick of it."

Feared a 60-seat Democratic majority:

Lieberman made clear that he firmly opposes Democrats gaining 60 seats in the Senate, saying that he "fears" for the survival of the U.S. if Democrats break the filibuster threshold.

Said investigating Katrina was like "playing gotcha":

Lieberman said he was not interested in "looking back, and assigning blame would be a waste of Congress’ time." Lieberman said he was reluctant to mount an investigation of the failures of the initial response, saying "We don’t want to play ‘gotcha’ anymore."

Opposed lifting the Bush tax cuts:

"I think it’s wrong to raise any taxes now," Lieberman said.

Refused to investigate Blackwater shootout in Iraq:

After Blackwater came under fire for allegedly killing several Iraqi civilians in September 2007, Lieberman refused to hold oversight hearings on the matter. "You’ve got to set your own priorities, and it was clear to me that other committees were going to pick this up," said Lieberman.

Senator Lieberman, I find you guilty of disloyalty, douchebaggery, dishonesty, and asshattery.

In consultation with the Democratic Caucus and Leadership, we are ready to impose the following sentence upon you:

  • We will give you an ice cream cone.  However, no sprinkles.  And when you eat your ice cream cone, wishing you had sprinkles for it, maybe you'll think about what you've done.

  • You are no longer allowed to hang your coat in the Democratic Caucus cloakroom.  You must hang your coat on a hook which we have had installed next to the cloakroom for your convenience.

  • Your parking space has been moved two rows back.  We think the extra 19 steps each morning will give you a lot of time to reflect on your actions.

  • Your committee meetings and hearings will now be aired only on CSPAN3 -- the MTV2 of CSPANs.

  • The next time you go on Hannity's show on Fox News and proclaim that President Obama is a terrorist-sympathizing, baby-eating, grandma-raper, we reserve the right to be quoted by the Washington Post saying that although you are a very good guy and a close personal friend, that your comments were probably not fully accurate.  So THERE.

We are really sorry, Joe, and we assure you that we wish we did not have to launch such a stinging rebuke at you.  But you left us no choice.  

PS  Here is a picture of a cat who is looking at you with a moderately stern look which is temporarily uncomfortable but which is wholly unlikely to produce any meaningful change in your overall behavior.

UPDATE:  Kitty made slighly less stern at request of fellow Democrats.

BTW is it only me that sees the doppelgangerness between Bill Maher and Liarman?

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