Thursday, August 21, 2008

Our House in the Middle of Our Street -- Mc7Cribs gets McNasty after another Barackattack -- Game On!

Good to see another Barackattack on the stump today, he’s letting McNasty know that his number‘s up, well at least the number of houses he owns, from 4 to 7...

The vid is a few minutes long, but you can never have too much of a good thing, right?

Introducing Johnny Mc7Cribs....

Though I feel BO could’ve gone after him even harder, the McCain camp's response is just a treat.

Average Americans are suffering even if Johnny Mc7Cribs isn’t. Most of us have one house, and many of us are struggling to keep hold of that one house, but enough of us have lost that struggle to expect a presidential candidate, even one as rich as McCain, to be sensitive to the suffering of his fellow Americans, anything less is just disrespectful. Then again, lack of respect seems to be becoming a theme of his campaign.

This latest stumble coming after McCain’s own economical adviser; Phil Gram had the f*ing gall to scoff at us, calling us ‘a nation of whiners‘. Gram's shameful coments made as millions of Americans suffer under abject circumstances he helped cause.

Of course Mc7Cribs distanced himself from those remarks for a couple of days, but I really believe he has a problem acknowledging that times are hard, and there's a great opportunity here.

In such a difficult economic environment, needing staff to tell you how many houses you own, is going to be extremely offensive to a LOT of Americans. Johnny Mc7Cribs is clearly a foot in mouth nominee, but he wouldn’t have purposely set out to offend, which leaves only one conclusion -- he's so out of touch, he really didn’t think his statement could offend.

If there was any doubt, his campaign’s response clearly highlights just how out of touch he is. Instead of apologizing to anyone that could’ve taken offence at such an insensitive answer, or claiming another ‘senior moment’, his campaign’s response was to attack BO. Not only did they try to draw a vague comparison by claiming that BO was also rich, but upped the stakes by inferring he was criminal too, but of course, he‘s black right?

Offensive as their response was, it still missed the point. Americans aren’t bothered whether or not their president is rich, in fact they'd LOVE one that’s self made (like BO), it proves that the dream is still alive. Their president doesn’t have to live like them either, but it’s nice when someone comes along who has (like BO)!

Americans just want to know that their president understands how decisions in washington effect them, that he or she is in touch with their reality, not a reality shared by a handful of the candidate's mega-rich buddies.

Again Barack Obama is unique in that respect he's lived as an average American.

A comment such as the one McCain made, would never have been made by a person who understood what his fellow countrymen were going through, by someone ‘in touch’ with his fellow citizens.

I wouldn't hold McCain’s advantaged life against him. I’ve always thought the charge of elitism was a ridiculous one to make, I don't see anything wrong with the fact McCain was brought up and lives in a privileged environment, as long as he understood what life for the rest of us was like. But, it's become obvious that McCain simply doesn’t understand the suffering of average Americans.

The McCain campaign’s response highlights just how fundamentally out of touch he and they are, they’ve gone so negative they can’t see the wood for the trees. They’re misreading all criticisms as negative attacks and are failing to address the genuine ones. Low info voters are just low info, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they’re low IQ too. People want to hear an answer, even his supporters will want to know that he’s not that out of touch.

People will begin to see the difference between the candidates; McCain looks like he's been brought up with a silver spoon shoved so far down his throat, he has silver service shit coming out of his ass. Whereas Mr Obama has worked hard to provide a better life for his children. BO is the American dream come true, and when McCain falters answering questions as basic as how many houses he has, the American public will see him for what he is, a dangerously out of touch candidate.

Keep it up both of you :)

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