Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maybe just maybe the Dems are beginning to hit back...

Credit where credit's due, our man's stepped up the Barack-attacks, he's obviously not gonna let McCain get away with the low-life charge that he lacks patriotism. Earlier today he sounded genuinely upset by it when he addressed the Vets of Foreign Wars.

Maybe there's even a hint of more direct language, just a hint. Personally, I feel he should be a LOT more direct when defending himself or attacking McCain, but maybe he's started to move in that direction.

Also, it was great to see this ad from the DNC reminding us just how out of touch McBombit really is...

I really don't care whether he mentioned the $5M as a joke, or not, the last thing struggling Americans want to hear is a presidential nominee being flippant, especially after accusing us all of being whiners. The DNC have the ad smack on, the man is out of touch.

I’d like to see BO set up a team headed by a tough front-line surrogate purely to deconstruct and confront every illegitimate and negative charge McCain makes. Perhaps an extension to the web crew that take on all the online misinformation about Obama. It’ll make McCain look like the sleazy, bitter man he is.

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