Alright now can someone tell me how the fuck the repugs gained the upper ground on these three issues;
1. The Iraq war - There’s no discussion anymore about whether or not we should be in Iraq, it’s all about the fucking surge, which actually wasn’t a surge at all, it was just an increase in troop levels. I thought the prupose of the ‘surge‘ was so that the troops could come home, but there’s been no troop reduction, there are more troops in Iraq today than there were pre-surge, how’s that a success? The answer is it’s not, the only success here has been for the republican’s pr machine, they’ve done a corking job.
It’s true that Obama voted against the surge and he was right to, the reduction in violence had very little to do with any US military action on the ground, but back room diplomacy and double dealings. This is NOT an area where democrats should be losing ground, but McCain is happy to bring this up all day long. Why? Because it’s a ‘winning’ issue for him, who would’ve thought that any part of the Iraq war would be a ‘winning’ issue for the republicans that illegally drew us into that war. A total failure on behalf of the Democrat PR machine, if it can be called a machine at all.
2. Fuel costs - what the fuck? Republicans sit in congress without the lights on, refusing to go home until congress approves even greater profits for their big oil paymasters, and somehow manage to make those nasty profit grabbing oil companies look like the good guys.
Another example of the Democratic Party PR lawnmower failing. In fact that’s an understatement, they’ve failed so atrociously that McBombit feels confident enough to run ads blaming Obama and the Democratic Party leadership for the high gas prices. And the reason he feels confident enough to run the ads? -- 70% of the American public support off shore drilling.
Depressing as those stats are there’s one thing that can be drawn from them -- the American electorate have not got a fucking clue, it proves they can be ‘sold’ anything. A couple of them even bought the ‘wrong’ London bridge from us once!
3. Georgia - tell me WTF is up with that? - Saakashvilli uses all his airtime to make GOP party political broadcasts, maybe he’s positioning himself to run as McBombit’s VP! Let’s face it, he couldn’t be any worse than Romney, at least he’d offer a more reserved type of ‘bomb it and see’ conservatism.
I’m not even gonna touch on the ‘countries just don’t invade other countries in the 21st Century’, actually repeated by Bush, Rice and McBombit.
No it’s the other brand of hypocrisy I want to address: 200,000 people turn up to hear Obama make some tedious speech in Berlin, and he’s accused of being; presumptive, arrogant, too presidential etc. But, some tin-pot leader of a country most Americans never knew existed, mercilessly bombs citizens of a separatist leaning enclave in his country, which consequently draws the inevitable response from the Russians, and all of a sudden McCain’s talking as if they’ve invaded Bermuda, and starts posturing like it’s the cold war all over again, even tells us he’s sending an ‘envoy’.
So apparently, you can’t make a boring speech in front of 200,000 Europeans, but it’s a OK to threaten war with Russia! Tell me who’s being presumptive here?
Honestly it feels like a bad joke, maybe Ted Turner’s gonna make an announcement, tell us the whole thing was just a really badly conceived prank of his. Anything, please, but this can‘t really be happening, can it?
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