Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama hits it out of the park, Keith picks a fight with the AP, and McNasty blunders on veep choice

Last night Barack Obama nailed it, delivered, baked the bread, and got the cakes out on time. His speech was thrilling, intelligent, considered, insightful, full of specific policy references, heart felt and delivered in front of 85,000 applauding Americans and another 38 Million watching on TV (apparently more than the Olympics opening).

A virtually impossible task had been demanded of him by the mainstream media, desperate for the slightest weakness to jump on, but the man delivered. Even top Republican commentators bowed to the brilliance of the speech.

I watched David Gergen (Reagan staffer) on CNN, call it sublime and one of the greatest convention speeches ever, then had to pinch myself as I switched to MSNBC and saw Pat Buchanan, yeah that Pat Buchanan call it the best and most important convention speech he'd ever heard.

I hope you were one of the 50 Million Americans that witnessed history last night, but just in case you weren't. Here's all 45 minutes of Barack Obama's amazing speech, enjoy...

Still not all political commentators/presenters were on board, well that is all except Charles Babington of the GOP propaganda machine the AP news wire. He swam against the tide and found himself a lone voice claiming it to be 'nothing new' and 'lacking in specifics'. The problem is that his comment would be sent out to literally hundreds of newspapers around the world and understandably Keith Olbermann of MSNBC took offence at Babington's version of events, stating that it had 'no resemblance to the speech (he) had just watched' and called the reporting a 'remarkable failure' and suggested that Babington find a 'new line of work'...go Keith!

Now, I had read somewhere recently that the AP was now being run by someone that had been offered a campaign position on the McBombit campaign, but declined as he believed he could do 'more good' at the AP. If this was a taste of that, then it would be hard for McBombit to argue with his man.

I suggest watching the speech if you haven't already and deciding for yourself, whether you feel Babington was a lone voice or not. Then for a bit of fun watch Keith Olbermann rip the AP a new one, here...

Finally, I just got the fantastic news that McNasty has picked a young female as his running mate. Amazing when you think that the first consideration for any Veep is that they are ready to be president, and how they've harped on and on about Obama's lack of experience being a key issue. They managed to pick some one with even less experience than Obama, but with none of the judgment, she's embroiled in a scandal, where it is claimed she tried to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from his job as a state trooper when he divorced her sister, a nasty abuse of power for such a young thing, she'll fit right in methinks.


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