First the stench of Rove.
Every time Saakashvili opens his mouth it sounds like a party political broadcast on behalf of the repugs, God Knows how many times he's openly mentioned McCain's personal support. Is this some shallow effort to make up for Obama's success in Europe?
What gives it away for me is that we're now getting the Rovian 'On Message' stuff: Earlier today Condi Rice claimed that there was no place in the 21st Century for countries invading other countries just to remove governments they don't like, yeah right! Then a few moments ago we hear McBombit making the very same statement there is no place in the 21st Century for countries invading blah blah blah.
God the repugs are good at getting their message over when Rove's running things.
Of course neither Rice or McBombit added the caveat that the US were exempt from this kind of behavior.
It gets worse, asked whether he thought Saakashvili’s comments sounded like an endorsement of him, John McCain said (I’m paraphrasing) that we (the American electorate) needed to remember this (his) great reaction to these events and that experience should be a key consideration when we pick our next president.
The revolting McBombit is using a foreign country's military action against another foriegn country to try and score political points, it smacks of a set up to me.
Still never fear, this is the deluded McBombit we're dealing with, in the very next question he was asked whether he was happy with the way the Bush admin is dealing with it all, and whether he would use military action to protect the Georgian govt. himself. He answered the second question first by quite categorically saying NO he would not be sending in troops, but went onto say that he was happy with the way Bush is handling things and claimed that they were sending a 'clear' message to the Russians.
But, have I missed something here? didn't he just say he was NOT going to send any troops in? and if not then exactly what 'clear' message is he sending to Russia? that we'll stop selling stuff to them? that we're prepared to lose all the money we make from that country? that we'll cut our nose off to spite our face? yeah nice one!
Finally to cap my disgust with the whole affair and my deep suspicion about McSaakashvili, in an interview with CNN, Mikheil Saakashvili had the audacity to blame my country for the atrocities of WWII. BTW I'm British.
After claiming the US were not doing enough, and blaming them for not sending in soldiers to die defending his government's actions, he drew a world war two comparison. Saakashvili told us that the US refusing to send troops was like the British and Neville Chamberlain ‘giving up Czechoslovakia’ to the nazis, and went on to warn us that we all saw what happened after that.
I'm sorry but this pissed me off, both my grandfathers died along side four of their brothers defending Europe, our country fought alone for 3 long years, I lost great aunts courtesy of the Luftwaffe bombing campaigns of London, and to hear some gobshite tinpot president blame my country for WWII and the holocaust tops the lot for me.
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