Sunday, August 31, 2008
What a week for Democrats and what a typically irresponsible political stunt the Republicans just pulled...
I still can’t believe this election is going to be remotely close, there's way too much at stake to risk letting those crooked republicans getting their hands on power again.
Let's face it, they're entire campaign is focused purely on pleading with us not to vote for the scary black dude. Instead they want us to trust them again, we just have to hope the Republicans are telling us the truth this time. If we just let them have another 8 years (on top of all the years they've already spent fucking everything up) they promise to get it right next time. They promise to change everything, make it all hunk-dory again.....Man, it's fucking pathetic.
I firmly believe this election is a matter of life and death, there's no doubt in my mind that innocent people will lose their lives if the Republicans retain power in November.
John McCain's campaign has been crawling along the gutter, recently, disingenuously suggesting that Barack Obama would be happy to lose a war in order to win an election. It's all well and good for a dishonourable man to make a statement like this, but it actually doesn’t make any sense. The Republicans have never been able to tell us what victory in Iraq looks like, and without victory being defined, how the fuck can a war be ‘won or lost’? Of course, this nuance is lost on most of the US electorate, but the inference won't be. McCain claims that Obama will do anything in his power to win this election, but isn’t that exactly what McCain has been doing throughout this campaign?
After tying up his nomination in February it took bumbling McCain until last week to decide on a running mate. He's obviously not a decisive man, having to wait to see who his opponent selects before making a decision of his own. Still, when he does he insults the nation by selecting an anti-abortion, creationist, beauty pageant queen, and ex-mayor of a village in Alaska.
McCain is 72 years old and has suffered from cancer, if he were to win, his life expectancy doesn’t reach the end of his presidency. There’s a very genuine chance that shoul he win, his VP will become president during his term, and his choice? He's happy to put the nation’s security and stability into the hands of an unknown 'hockey mom'. Does he really believe that this woman, who they don't even trust to be interviewed by the media, will have the gravitas and, judgment to lead the most powerful nation on earth. Or, is it that the Republicans already understand that the nation will be ran by shadowy Rovian figures? Could the nation fall into the hands of the very same ultra-right wing Christian evangelicals who have all but destroyed everything our forefathers have worked for?
Either way this is a terrible decision, clearly one that has been made to have the maximum impact on the presidential race, and not with the best interests of the American people at heart. Obama is the antithesis, making a sensible decision, based on the key consideration that the VP has to be ready to be president on day 2.
Oh, what has McCain done?
McCain is risking everything in pursuit of the presidency, and a man that would risk all to become president is not who this country needs as president. I fear for all Americans.
In addition, if this was somehow aimed at attracting a few seriously misguided ex-Clinton supporters, they couldn't have got it more wrong. By anyone’s standard Hillary Clinton is a genuine political heavyweight, and to have the Republicans choose such a lightweight candidate to appeal to her base is nothing more than an insult. It smacks of Rovian vengeance at work to me.
The thing will ultimately back fire for Republicans. Where they may have previously hoped for a passive Hillary ultimately costing Obama the election, I can’t imagine they could’ve done more to galvanize the Clintons into action. If Hillary holds any ambition still to be president, she knows it's now an eight year wait, four years doesn’t work in the plan anymore, as that relies on a Republican presidency, and now there's a female on the ticket. So her best hope is to do all in her power to stop McCain and Plain (ooops) getting into office.
Though happy that this will act as a major motivation for the Clintons I still feel sorry for Hillary, that her great campaign has been upstaged in such a shallow manner.
Another ‘friend’ of McCain’s who has been effected by this decision is Joe Biden, who now has to face the humiliation of debating the Republican choice. Who now has the embarrassment of actually being compared to Palin, that their pictures and bios appear on opposite sides of the same page, is enough in itself to galvanize the Democratic base as much as it has galvanized the ultra-right wing evangelical base of the Republicans.
Finally, the Republicans driven by desperation have been irresponsible enough to try to make their own history, throwing in an unprepared, unqualified pageant queen into the mix believing that their lightweight can match Obama. That the man who has changed the face of American politics for ever, the man that has moved an entire generation to action, the intelligent, composed, honest, considered and unflappable Obama now has to stand at the crossroads of history with the Republican’s Alaskan maid standing just behind him, is a humiliation for all of America.
What Obama has achieved in these past three years is worthy of a place in history, he has defined the race, he has been defining it all the way along. His presence made the Republicans pick McCain and his pick of Joe Biden, brilliant as it was, left the Republicans staring defeat squarely in the face. So panicked were they, that they throw the kitchen sink and Palin, not at Obama, but at the American people.
I hope Americans see this for the political stunt it is, and as we stand at one of the most challenging times in our country’s history, understand just how irresponsible the Republican’s are being with this choice.
The Republicans pick is even under an ethics investigation. Although I have no doubt the investigation will fail to find a single piece of incriminating evidence, as Rove would’ve got into that long before any Washington Post journos. But ultimately, their attempts to reinvent her short history will catch up with them.
Her very first public/press announcement with John McCain included a bare-faced lie: She told us that she's a reformer, a Washington outsider, who was against the ‘bridge to nowhere’, and went on to tell us that she told Congress ‘thanks but no thanks’. Nice, but an absolute lie. Not only is she lightweight, but she's already showing extremely bad judgment by taking public speaking advice from McCain himself.
She’s obviously taken up his mantra of lie, lie, and lie, then keep lying some more. He must of told her that it doesn’t matter what you’ve done or said, the day or week before, it doesn’t matter if your 180 degree switch is on camera or tape or in print keep on lying, because the US media will never say a bad thing about us. Also, he must’ve taught her the one lesson republicans have learned in their eight long miserable years in power, that the American electorate are stupid.
The Republicans rely on this factor, even if the odd media man/woman highlights an about turn, or outright lie about something they did, or didn’t do. Even if it's printed and talked about, nothing will happen, they'll never have to suffer any consequences because they fundamentally believe the American electorate don‘t pay attention, unless you say 9/11, or terrorists loudly at the beginning of your sentence. Maybe they're right, after all the proof of the US electorate's stupidity is right before our eyes; they re-elected the worst president in the country’s history, and the majority are very close to giving the same Republican cronies another shot at it, unbelievable!
Both Joe Biden and Barack Obama are embodiments of the American dream, both their lives have been spent in service to their communities, and country. But, the republicans have a candidate born with a silver spoon in his mouth who holds up the fact that he got shot down and crashed loads of planes, and came bottom of a class of a thousand cadets, and consequently was a POW, as a reason why he should not be held accountable for any error of judgment he makes. And a VP who holds up her baby as evidence of how far she‘ll go to support her belief of anti-abortion, as if her baby had burdened her in some way! The very inference is disgusting.
In fact it’s almost as disgusting as the GOP using the hurricane to gain political advantage and clearing the most unpopular president and vice president in history off their convention stage. They have the gall to feign concern for the people of New Orleans, three years after they sat together eating cake as thousands perished, but of course there was no political advantage to be made then.
This week was an amazing week for the Democrats, speech after speech filled with substance. The Dems had a strong showing of unity, like never before, made all the more remarkable by the environment they entered the convention. With the irresponsible mainstream media desperate to focus on any slight sound of descent or disunity, where the media gave more time to a group that couldn’t fill a small restaurant in Denver, than they did to the 84,000 people that crammed into a massive arena to watch and listen to who they hoped would be their next president give one of the greatest political speeches of all time. Reminding all before him, that although both original candidates had been of the very highest quality the party had picked the right one.
Obama’s speech which will go down in history as one of the greatest convention/political speeches of all time, but it is a clear damming of the US media that his amazing speech could be embarrassingly upstaged by a beauty pageant queen from a village in Alaska, only in America would that be possible.
If this week had happened in Europe, the papers would’ve been filled with the substance not the celebrity of an ex-beauty pageant queen and TV sports presenter entering the race for president. They would’ve been filled with debate about the substance of Obama’s speech. Importantly they would’ve understood what happened the day after, and would’ve called it for what it was, a political stunt by a desperate republican party, but that’s Europe, not America.
Just thought I'd leave you with McCain making a sick joke about Katrina, what an unsuitable candidate this man is:-
Let's face it, they're entire campaign is focused purely on pleading with us not to vote for the scary black dude. Instead they want us to trust them again, we just have to hope the Republicans are telling us the truth this time. If we just let them have another 8 years (on top of all the years they've already spent fucking everything up) they promise to get it right next time. They promise to change everything, make it all hunk-dory again.....Man, it's fucking pathetic.
I firmly believe this election is a matter of life and death, there's no doubt in my mind that innocent people will lose their lives if the Republicans retain power in November.
John McCain's campaign has been crawling along the gutter, recently, disingenuously suggesting that Barack Obama would be happy to lose a war in order to win an election. It's all well and good for a dishonourable man to make a statement like this, but it actually doesn’t make any sense. The Republicans have never been able to tell us what victory in Iraq looks like, and without victory being defined, how the fuck can a war be ‘won or lost’? Of course, this nuance is lost on most of the US electorate, but the inference won't be. McCain claims that Obama will do anything in his power to win this election, but isn’t that exactly what McCain has been doing throughout this campaign?
After tying up his nomination in February it took bumbling McCain until last week to decide on a running mate. He's obviously not a decisive man, having to wait to see who his opponent selects before making a decision of his own. Still, when he does he insults the nation by selecting an anti-abortion, creationist, beauty pageant queen, and ex-mayor of a village in Alaska.
McCain is 72 years old and has suffered from cancer, if he were to win, his life expectancy doesn’t reach the end of his presidency. There’s a very genuine chance that shoul he win, his VP will become president during his term, and his choice? He's happy to put the nation’s security and stability into the hands of an unknown 'hockey mom'. Does he really believe that this woman, who they don't even trust to be interviewed by the media, will have the gravitas and, judgment to lead the most powerful nation on earth. Or, is it that the Republicans already understand that the nation will be ran by shadowy Rovian figures? Could the nation fall into the hands of the very same ultra-right wing Christian evangelicals who have all but destroyed everything our forefathers have worked for?
Either way this is a terrible decision, clearly one that has been made to have the maximum impact on the presidential race, and not with the best interests of the American people at heart. Obama is the antithesis, making a sensible decision, based on the key consideration that the VP has to be ready to be president on day 2.
Oh, what has McCain done?
McCain is risking everything in pursuit of the presidency, and a man that would risk all to become president is not who this country needs as president. I fear for all Americans.
In addition, if this was somehow aimed at attracting a few seriously misguided ex-Clinton supporters, they couldn't have got it more wrong. By anyone’s standard Hillary Clinton is a genuine political heavyweight, and to have the Republicans choose such a lightweight candidate to appeal to her base is nothing more than an insult. It smacks of Rovian vengeance at work to me.
The thing will ultimately back fire for Republicans. Where they may have previously hoped for a passive Hillary ultimately costing Obama the election, I can’t imagine they could’ve done more to galvanize the Clintons into action. If Hillary holds any ambition still to be president, she knows it's now an eight year wait, four years doesn’t work in the plan anymore, as that relies on a Republican presidency, and now there's a female on the ticket. So her best hope is to do all in her power to stop McCain and Plain (ooops) getting into office.
Though happy that this will act as a major motivation for the Clintons I still feel sorry for Hillary, that her great campaign has been upstaged in such a shallow manner.
Another ‘friend’ of McCain’s who has been effected by this decision is Joe Biden, who now has to face the humiliation of debating the Republican choice. Who now has the embarrassment of actually being compared to Palin, that their pictures and bios appear on opposite sides of the same page, is enough in itself to galvanize the Democratic base as much as it has galvanized the ultra-right wing evangelical base of the Republicans.
Finally, the Republicans driven by desperation have been irresponsible enough to try to make their own history, throwing in an unprepared, unqualified pageant queen into the mix believing that their lightweight can match Obama. That the man who has changed the face of American politics for ever, the man that has moved an entire generation to action, the intelligent, composed, honest, considered and unflappable Obama now has to stand at the crossroads of history with the Republican’s Alaskan maid standing just behind him, is a humiliation for all of America.
What Obama has achieved in these past three years is worthy of a place in history, he has defined the race, he has been defining it all the way along. His presence made the Republicans pick McCain and his pick of Joe Biden, brilliant as it was, left the Republicans staring defeat squarely in the face. So panicked were they, that they throw the kitchen sink and Palin, not at Obama, but at the American people.
I hope Americans see this for the political stunt it is, and as we stand at one of the most challenging times in our country’s history, understand just how irresponsible the Republican’s are being with this choice.
The Republicans pick is even under an ethics investigation. Although I have no doubt the investigation will fail to find a single piece of incriminating evidence, as Rove would’ve got into that long before any Washington Post journos. But ultimately, their attempts to reinvent her short history will catch up with them.
Her very first public/press announcement with John McCain included a bare-faced lie: She told us that she's a reformer, a Washington outsider, who was against the ‘bridge to nowhere’, and went on to tell us that she told Congress ‘thanks but no thanks’. Nice, but an absolute lie. Not only is she lightweight, but she's already showing extremely bad judgment by taking public speaking advice from McCain himself.
She’s obviously taken up his mantra of lie, lie, and lie, then keep lying some more. He must of told her that it doesn’t matter what you’ve done or said, the day or week before, it doesn’t matter if your 180 degree switch is on camera or tape or in print keep on lying, because the US media will never say a bad thing about us. Also, he must’ve taught her the one lesson republicans have learned in their eight long miserable years in power, that the American electorate are stupid.
The Republicans rely on this factor, even if the odd media man/woman highlights an about turn, or outright lie about something they did, or didn’t do. Even if it's printed and talked about, nothing will happen, they'll never have to suffer any consequences because they fundamentally believe the American electorate don‘t pay attention, unless you say 9/11, or terrorists loudly at the beginning of your sentence. Maybe they're right, after all the proof of the US electorate's stupidity is right before our eyes; they re-elected the worst president in the country’s history, and the majority are very close to giving the same Republican cronies another shot at it, unbelievable!
Both Joe Biden and Barack Obama are embodiments of the American dream, both their lives have been spent in service to their communities, and country. But, the republicans have a candidate born with a silver spoon in his mouth who holds up the fact that he got shot down and crashed loads of planes, and came bottom of a class of a thousand cadets, and consequently was a POW, as a reason why he should not be held accountable for any error of judgment he makes. And a VP who holds up her baby as evidence of how far she‘ll go to support her belief of anti-abortion, as if her baby had burdened her in some way! The very inference is disgusting.
In fact it’s almost as disgusting as the GOP using the hurricane to gain political advantage and clearing the most unpopular president and vice president in history off their convention stage. They have the gall to feign concern for the people of New Orleans, three years after they sat together eating cake as thousands perished, but of course there was no political advantage to be made then.
This week was an amazing week for the Democrats, speech after speech filled with substance. The Dems had a strong showing of unity, like never before, made all the more remarkable by the environment they entered the convention. With the irresponsible mainstream media desperate to focus on any slight sound of descent or disunity, where the media gave more time to a group that couldn’t fill a small restaurant in Denver, than they did to the 84,000 people that crammed into a massive arena to watch and listen to who they hoped would be their next president give one of the greatest political speeches of all time. Reminding all before him, that although both original candidates had been of the very highest quality the party had picked the right one.
Obama’s speech which will go down in history as one of the greatest convention/political speeches of all time, but it is a clear damming of the US media that his amazing speech could be embarrassingly upstaged by a beauty pageant queen from a village in Alaska, only in America would that be possible.
If this week had happened in Europe, the papers would’ve been filled with the substance not the celebrity of an ex-beauty pageant queen and TV sports presenter entering the race for president. They would’ve been filled with debate about the substance of Obama’s speech. Importantly they would’ve understood what happened the day after, and would’ve called it for what it was, a political stunt by a desperate republican party, but that’s Europe, not America.
Just thought I'd leave you with McCain making a sick joke about Katrina, what an unsuitable candidate this man is:-
Barack Obama,
Hillary Clinton,
Joe Biden,
John McCain,
Sarah Palin
Friday, August 29, 2008
Obama hits it out of the park, Keith picks a fight with the AP, and McNasty blunders on veep choice
Last night Barack Obama nailed it, delivered, baked the bread, and got the cakes out on time. His speech was thrilling, intelligent, considered, insightful, full of specific policy references, heart felt and delivered in front of 85,000 applauding Americans and another 38 Million watching on TV (apparently more than the Olympics opening).
A virtually impossible task had been demanded of him by the mainstream media, desperate for the slightest weakness to jump on, but the man delivered. Even top Republican commentators bowed to the brilliance of the speech.
I watched David Gergen (Reagan staffer) on CNN, call it sublime and one of the greatest convention speeches ever, then had to pinch myself as I switched to MSNBC and saw Pat Buchanan, yeah that Pat Buchanan call it the best and most important convention speech he'd ever heard.
I hope you were one of the 50 Million Americans that witnessed history last night, but just in case you weren't. Here's all 45 minutes of Barack Obama's amazing speech, enjoy...
Still not all political commentators/presenters were on board, well that is all except Charles Babington of the GOP propaganda machine the AP news wire. He swam against the tide and found himself a lone voice claiming it to be 'nothing new' and 'lacking in specifics'. The problem is that his comment would be sent out to literally hundreds of newspapers around the world and understandably Keith Olbermann of MSNBC took offence at Babington's version of events, stating that it had 'no resemblance to the speech (he) had just watched' and called the reporting a 'remarkable failure' and suggested that Babington find a 'new line of work'...go Keith!
Now, I had read somewhere recently that the AP was now being run by someone that had been offered a campaign position on the McBombit campaign, but declined as he believed he could do 'more good' at the AP. If this was a taste of that, then it would be hard for McBombit to argue with his man.
I suggest watching the speech if you haven't already and deciding for yourself, whether you feel Babington was a lone voice or not. Then for a bit of fun watch Keith Olbermann rip the AP a new one, here...
Finally, I just got the fantastic news that McNasty has picked a young female as his running mate. Amazing when you think that the first consideration for any Veep is that they are ready to be president, and how they've harped on and on about Obama's lack of experience being a key issue. They managed to pick some one with even less experience than Obama, but with none of the judgment, she's embroiled in a scandal, where it is claimed she tried to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from his job as a state trooper when he divorced her sister, a nasty abuse of power for such a young thing, she'll fit right in methinks.
A virtually impossible task had been demanded of him by the mainstream media, desperate for the slightest weakness to jump on, but the man delivered. Even top Republican commentators bowed to the brilliance of the speech.
I watched David Gergen (Reagan staffer) on CNN, call it sublime and one of the greatest convention speeches ever, then had to pinch myself as I switched to MSNBC and saw Pat Buchanan, yeah that Pat Buchanan call it the best and most important convention speech he'd ever heard.
I hope you were one of the 50 Million Americans that witnessed history last night, but just in case you weren't. Here's all 45 minutes of Barack Obama's amazing speech, enjoy...
Still not all political commentators/presenters were on board, well that is all except Charles Babington of the GOP propaganda machine the AP news wire. He swam against the tide and found himself a lone voice claiming it to be 'nothing new' and 'lacking in specifics'. The problem is that his comment would be sent out to literally hundreds of newspapers around the world and understandably Keith Olbermann of MSNBC took offence at Babington's version of events, stating that it had 'no resemblance to the speech (he) had just watched' and called the reporting a 'remarkable failure' and suggested that Babington find a 'new line of work'...go Keith!
Now, I had read somewhere recently that the AP was now being run by someone that had been offered a campaign position on the McBombit campaign, but declined as he believed he could do 'more good' at the AP. If this was a taste of that, then it would be hard for McBombit to argue with his man.
I suggest watching the speech if you haven't already and deciding for yourself, whether you feel Babington was a lone voice or not. Then for a bit of fun watch Keith Olbermann rip the AP a new one, here...
Finally, I just got the fantastic news that McNasty has picked a young female as his running mate. Amazing when you think that the first consideration for any Veep is that they are ready to be president, and how they've harped on and on about Obama's lack of experience being a key issue. They managed to pick some one with even less experience than Obama, but with none of the judgment, she's embroiled in a scandal, where it is claimed she tried to get her ex-brother-in-law fired from his job as a state trooper when he divorced her sister, a nasty abuse of power for such a young thing, she'll fit right in methinks.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
T-Boon Pickens turning clean fuels dirty
Seeing and hearing T-Boon Pickens going on about ‘his’ plan for saving America just turns my stomach. How that bloke expects (a good deal greater than half) the American population to forgive and forget his almost criminal attacks of a genuine US hero in John Kerry.
This bloke didn’t fight in any war himself, he’s never served in the US military. Although he turned 16 in May of ‘44, and was 18 in ’46, a time when the world needed rebuilding and large areas needed stabilizing, this great patriot didn’t sign up to the military, or look for a way that he could help his nation. In fact Pickens has never served his country in any capacity, he’s only ever served himself.
Still, he had the audacity to attempt to defame a true American hero by lying about his service. He financed nasty, disingenuous ads aimed at misleading the American people about John Kerry, and those actions should not be forgotten.
Those ads were part responsible for tipping public opinion away from Kerry and helped gift Bush a second term. It’s hard to imagine another presidential term that has done so much damage, as the last four years of the Bush administration. Those extra four years destroyed this nation’s world standing, plunged this nation’s economy into the worst recession, and quite possibly has been responsible for allowing irretrievable damage to be done to our planet’s ecology.
The man is a disgrace.
The ads would’ve been dirty and lowbrow had they contained the truth, but to lie about a man like John Kerry is unforgivable.
As I’m sure you all remember he was at it again less than a year ago, last November, probably around the same time he was recording his hot air ads. To get himself back in the public eye this narcissist claimed he would pay anyone a million bux if they could disprove a single one of the allegations contained in his slanderous Swift Boat ads. Not surprisingly John Kerry took Pickens up on his offer, saying that he’d donate the bux to injured veterans. But, even though Kerry categorically disproved the allegations, Pickens, as it seems is his nature, went back on his word, changed the rules of the bet, and refused to pay until John Kerry offered up all his wartime journals, home movies, and his entire military records.
Now Pickens has the gall to appeal to the American people he has cost so much, and expect that he be taken at his word, what a load of bollocks!
I loath his wind ads, for me he’s single-handedly made clean fuels dirty. So he books a multi-million dollar ad campaign, that somewhere along the line the American people will end up paying for, and unsurprisingly it attracts some attention. Next thing he’s appearing on all the usual pseudo-political shows, and I figure I’ll see what he has to say for himself, maybe he’s had an epiphany. But alas no, whenever he’s reminded of his swift boat attacks on John Kerry, he tells us that it was a ‘long’ time ago, and jokingly adds he’s 80 now and can’t remember 4 years ago. But, Pickens you were at it less than a year ago!
I don’t want someone like this anywhere near the American people‘s natural resources, he’s already filled his boots with enough of our resources and got rich off the labors of the American people, he’s stripped too many assets and destroyed too many dreams. The last thing the American people need is another self-serving, money grabbing corporate pirate, high jacking its resources. It’s time to let him know he can crawl back under the rock he came out of.
Cheers, I needed that off my chest.
This bloke didn’t fight in any war himself, he’s never served in the US military. Although he turned 16 in May of ‘44, and was 18 in ’46, a time when the world needed rebuilding and large areas needed stabilizing, this great patriot didn’t sign up to the military, or look for a way that he could help his nation. In fact Pickens has never served his country in any capacity, he’s only ever served himself.
Still, he had the audacity to attempt to defame a true American hero by lying about his service. He financed nasty, disingenuous ads aimed at misleading the American people about John Kerry, and those actions should not be forgotten.
Those ads were part responsible for tipping public opinion away from Kerry and helped gift Bush a second term. It’s hard to imagine another presidential term that has done so much damage, as the last four years of the Bush administration. Those extra four years destroyed this nation’s world standing, plunged this nation’s economy into the worst recession, and quite possibly has been responsible for allowing irretrievable damage to be done to our planet’s ecology.
The man is a disgrace.
The ads would’ve been dirty and lowbrow had they contained the truth, but to lie about a man like John Kerry is unforgivable.
As I’m sure you all remember he was at it again less than a year ago, last November, probably around the same time he was recording his hot air ads. To get himself back in the public eye this narcissist claimed he would pay anyone a million bux if they could disprove a single one of the allegations contained in his slanderous Swift Boat ads. Not surprisingly John Kerry took Pickens up on his offer, saying that he’d donate the bux to injured veterans. But, even though Kerry categorically disproved the allegations, Pickens, as it seems is his nature, went back on his word, changed the rules of the bet, and refused to pay until John Kerry offered up all his wartime journals, home movies, and his entire military records.
Now Pickens has the gall to appeal to the American people he has cost so much, and expect that he be taken at his word, what a load of bollocks!
I loath his wind ads, for me he’s single-handedly made clean fuels dirty. So he books a multi-million dollar ad campaign, that somewhere along the line the American people will end up paying for, and unsurprisingly it attracts some attention. Next thing he’s appearing on all the usual pseudo-political shows, and I figure I’ll see what he has to say for himself, maybe he’s had an epiphany. But alas no, whenever he’s reminded of his swift boat attacks on John Kerry, he tells us that it was a ‘long’ time ago, and jokingly adds he’s 80 now and can’t remember 4 years ago. But, Pickens you were at it less than a year ago!
I don’t want someone like this anywhere near the American people‘s natural resources, he’s already filled his boots with enough of our resources and got rich off the labors of the American people, he’s stripped too many assets and destroyed too many dreams. The last thing the American people need is another self-serving, money grabbing corporate pirate, high jacking its resources. It’s time to let him know he can crawl back under the rock he came out of.
Cheers, I needed that off my chest.
Foreign Oil,
John Kerry,
Swift Boaters,
T-Boon Pickens
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Hillary gives great speech, but why don't the media cover the rest?
So, the mainstream media have been endlessly moaning about the Dems reluctance to 'attack' McCain and the Republicans, but when a great orator stands up (just before Hillary incidentally) and delivers a withering attack speech against McCain and his repug cronies, only CNN, C-SPAN and PBS cover it. No ABC, CBS, Fox (of course), not even MSNBC.
I kept clicking between C-SPAN and MSNBC just to see if they would finally feature any of the speech, but to my amazement they decided instead to feature another 30 mins of warbling between Mathews and Olbermann. The focus of their discussion? - the Dems lack of attacks! with a good sprinkling of Mathews overt racism, if only the Obamas were white, eh Chris?
Still, I was watching courtesy of C-Span, and man, what a speech Brian Schweitzer gave. Schweitzer looks like a cross between a shop floor union rep, an oilman, and a night club entertainer, too many cholesterol laden lunches, but what a delivery.
He was knocking the misguided concept that we could drill our way out of this energy crisis, correctly pointing out that if we drilled every drop of oil on American soil and sea, on all of John McCain's backyards, even the ones he can't remember, we'd still only have our hands on 3% of the world's reserves, and as we suck up 25% of the world's oil, it's a hopeless escapade. All we'd achieve would be ruining our eco-system, the stunning beauty of this country, needlessly endanger our coastlines, and all just to make some extremely rich men, richer.
I did notice that this morning the mainstream media ran a few sound bites from the speech. Not surprisingly they ran the bit where Brian mentioned drilling in John McCain's backyards, but cut before the punch line explaining why the process is pointless, but why? For fear that the secret would get out? That Americans would realize that the whole off-shore drilling scheme is just a scam to ensure the republicans big-oil masters get their hands on the last drips of our black gold.
If I wasn't so used to the biased reporting in this country I would've been screaming at the screen, as it was I merely threw a shoe at it.
This clip of Brian Schweitzer's speech is fifteen minutes long, but well worth watching...
Anyway, on to HRC, she was magnanimous and gracious last night, whatever the content of her speech pundits would've picked it apart to fit their own narrative, it's fucking ridiculous. But, I can say as a staunch Obama supporter throughout the primary season, and having got myself quite wound up on the subject of the Clintons, as far as I'm concerned she was great last night.
Of course instead of finding Clinton supporters who hadn't yet endorsed Obama and went into the convention with an open mind to see what effect her speech had on them, the MSM source out the three or four remaining nut cases in the delegation and voice their opinions. These people are obviously seriously mentally damaged, there is no rational in their objection with Obama, they boarder on stalker.
So, inevitably they come out and say - wouldn't she have made a great president? Yeah funny that they would draw that conclusion from this one speech, isn't that exactly what they've been knocking Obama for throughout the primaries?
Now, HRC can make one speech and her supporters claim she'd make a great president, well the answer is we don't know whether she would or not. I've no doubt that she would've made a much better president than John McCain, but I don't believe she'd be as good at it as Barack Obama will be.
I kept clicking between C-SPAN and MSNBC just to see if they would finally feature any of the speech, but to my amazement they decided instead to feature another 30 mins of warbling between Mathews and Olbermann. The focus of their discussion? - the Dems lack of attacks! with a good sprinkling of Mathews overt racism, if only the Obamas were white, eh Chris?
Still, I was watching courtesy of C-Span, and man, what a speech Brian Schweitzer gave. Schweitzer looks like a cross between a shop floor union rep, an oilman, and a night club entertainer, too many cholesterol laden lunches, but what a delivery.
He was knocking the misguided concept that we could drill our way out of this energy crisis, correctly pointing out that if we drilled every drop of oil on American soil and sea, on all of John McCain's backyards, even the ones he can't remember, we'd still only have our hands on 3% of the world's reserves, and as we suck up 25% of the world's oil, it's a hopeless escapade. All we'd achieve would be ruining our eco-system, the stunning beauty of this country, needlessly endanger our coastlines, and all just to make some extremely rich men, richer.
I did notice that this morning the mainstream media ran a few sound bites from the speech. Not surprisingly they ran the bit where Brian mentioned drilling in John McCain's backyards, but cut before the punch line explaining why the process is pointless, but why? For fear that the secret would get out? That Americans would realize that the whole off-shore drilling scheme is just a scam to ensure the republicans big-oil masters get their hands on the last drips of our black gold.
If I wasn't so used to the biased reporting in this country I would've been screaming at the screen, as it was I merely threw a shoe at it.
This clip of Brian Schweitzer's speech is fifteen minutes long, but well worth watching...
Anyway, on to HRC, she was magnanimous and gracious last night, whatever the content of her speech pundits would've picked it apart to fit their own narrative, it's fucking ridiculous. But, I can say as a staunch Obama supporter throughout the primary season, and having got myself quite wound up on the subject of the Clintons, as far as I'm concerned she was great last night.
Of course instead of finding Clinton supporters who hadn't yet endorsed Obama and went into the convention with an open mind to see what effect her speech had on them, the MSM source out the three or four remaining nut cases in the delegation and voice their opinions. These people are obviously seriously mentally damaged, there is no rational in their objection with Obama, they boarder on stalker.
So, inevitably they come out and say - wouldn't she have made a great president? Yeah funny that they would draw that conclusion from this one speech, isn't that exactly what they've been knocking Obama for throughout the primaries?
Now, HRC can make one speech and her supporters claim she'd make a great president, well the answer is we don't know whether she would or not. I've no doubt that she would've made a much better president than John McCain, but I don't believe she'd be as good at it as Barack Obama will be.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Fix News ADMIT to sending their reporters 'out to cause trouble'
Further to yesterday's humiliation of Fix News at the 'Recreate '68' march, when adorning 'Fox News' signage reporter Griff Jenkins positioned himself in the midst of the marchers, and unsurprisingly received a barrage of four letter expletives. Today Fix News shockingly confirm on air, that they are intentionally sending reporters 'out to cause trouble'.
The alarming admition was made during this morning's edition of Fox and Friends (Tuesday August 25th), not by some over zealous commentator, but by the show's host Brian Kilmeade.
Can you imagine the BBC doing the same? What kind of a news network is this? couldn't they at least try to be a little more grown up. I'm sure a news network admiting to sending reporters out specifically to 'cause trouble' has to be a first....totally unbelieveable.
I'm amazed that this type of confrontational broadcasting is allowed to happen. This is a major political convention featuring one of this country's presidential candidates, the Fix News announcement that they're sending reporters out not just to cover any trouble, but to actually 'cause' it, is way beyond irresponsible.
America deserves better than this, hard working Americans struggling to meet the bills don't want to hear that major media networks are sending out reporters to 'cause trouble'. It's the American tax payer who picks up the bill for all the 'trouble', we pick up the bills of policing, any public damage, and the costs of keeping someone behind bars. It's outrageous, we deserve more and Fox News need to be told so.
The alarming admition was made during this morning's edition of Fox and Friends (Tuesday August 25th), not by some over zealous commentator, but by the show's host Brian Kilmeade.
Can you imagine the BBC doing the same? What kind of a news network is this? couldn't they at least try to be a little more grown up. I'm sure a news network admiting to sending reporters out specifically to 'cause trouble' has to be a first....totally unbelieveable.
I'm amazed that this type of confrontational broadcasting is allowed to happen. This is a major political convention featuring one of this country's presidential candidates, the Fix News announcement that they're sending reporters out not just to cover any trouble, but to actually 'cause' it, is way beyond irresponsible.
America deserves better than this, hard working Americans struggling to meet the bills don't want to hear that major media networks are sending out reporters to 'cause trouble'. It's the American tax payer who picks up the bill for all the 'trouble', we pick up the bills of policing, any public damage, and the costs of keeping someone behind bars. It's outrageous, we deserve more and Fox News need to be told so.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Fox News desperate to 'Recreate '68'
Oh man! I just love this.
So, the Dem convention has finally begun and as you'd expect it's accompanied by plenty of poor, honest Fix News reporters just doing their best to bring us 'fair and balanced news'. In the clip below you'll see how they have to deal with 'angry leftists' refusing to speak to them.
This is hillarious well worth spending 2 mins checking it out.
All Hail, whoever the fuck that was protesting!
If only more people were as disaplined as that lot were, perhaps eventually no one will speak to Faux News and their reporters will all cut sad and lonely figures with mics in hand but no one to speak into them.
So, the Dem convention has finally begun and as you'd expect it's accompanied by plenty of poor, honest Fix News reporters just doing their best to bring us 'fair and balanced news'. In the clip below you'll see how they have to deal with 'angry leftists' refusing to speak to them.
This is hillarious well worth spending 2 mins checking it out.
All Hail, whoever the fuck that was protesting!
If only more people were as disaplined as that lot were, perhaps eventually no one will speak to Faux News and their reporters will all cut sad and lonely figures with mics in hand but no one to speak into them.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Our House in the Middle of Our Street -- Mc7Cribs gets McNasty after another Barackattack -- Game On!
Good to see another Barackattack on the stump today, he’s letting McNasty know that his number‘s up, well at least the number of houses he owns, from 4 to 7...
The vid is a few minutes long, but you can never have too much of a good thing, right?
Introducing Johnny Mc7Cribs....
Though I feel BO could’ve gone after him even harder, the McCain camp's response is just a treat.
Average Americans are suffering even if Johnny Mc7Cribs isn’t. Most of us have one house, and many of us are struggling to keep hold of that one house, but enough of us have lost that struggle to expect a presidential candidate, even one as rich as McCain, to be sensitive to the suffering of his fellow Americans, anything less is just disrespectful. Then again, lack of respect seems to be becoming a theme of his campaign.
This latest stumble coming after McCain’s own economical adviser; Phil Gram had the f*ing gall to scoff at us, calling us ‘a nation of whiners‘. Gram's shameful coments made as millions of Americans suffer under abject circumstances he helped cause.
Of course Mc7Cribs distanced himself from those remarks for a couple of days, but I really believe he has a problem acknowledging that times are hard, and there's a great opportunity here.
In such a difficult economic environment, needing staff to tell you how many houses you own, is going to be extremely offensive to a LOT of Americans. Johnny Mc7Cribs is clearly a foot in mouth nominee, but he wouldn’t have purposely set out to offend, which leaves only one conclusion -- he's so out of touch, he really didn’t think his statement could offend.
If there was any doubt, his campaign’s response clearly highlights just how out of touch he is. Instead of apologizing to anyone that could’ve taken offence at such an insensitive answer, or claiming another ‘senior moment’, his campaign’s response was to attack BO. Not only did they try to draw a vague comparison by claiming that BO was also rich, but upped the stakes by inferring he was criminal too, but of course, he‘s black right?
Offensive as their response was, it still missed the point. Americans aren’t bothered whether or not their president is rich, in fact they'd LOVE one that’s self made (like BO), it proves that the dream is still alive. Their president doesn’t have to live like them either, but it’s nice when someone comes along who has (like BO)!
Americans just want to know that their president understands how decisions in washington effect them, that he or she is in touch with their reality, not a reality shared by a handful of the candidate's mega-rich buddies.
Again Barack Obama is unique in that respect he's lived as an average American.
A comment such as the one McCain made, would never have been made by a person who understood what his fellow countrymen were going through, by someone ‘in touch’ with his fellow citizens.
I wouldn't hold McCain’s advantaged life against him. I’ve always thought the charge of elitism was a ridiculous one to make, I don't see anything wrong with the fact McCain was brought up and lives in a privileged environment, as long as he understood what life for the rest of us was like. But, it's become obvious that McCain simply doesn’t understand the suffering of average Americans.
The McCain campaign’s response highlights just how fundamentally out of touch he and they are, they’ve gone so negative they can’t see the wood for the trees. They’re misreading all criticisms as negative attacks and are failing to address the genuine ones. Low info voters are just low info, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they’re low IQ too. People want to hear an answer, even his supporters will want to know that he’s not that out of touch.
People will begin to see the difference between the candidates; McCain looks like he's been brought up with a silver spoon shoved so far down his throat, he has silver service shit coming out of his ass. Whereas Mr Obama has worked hard to provide a better life for his children. BO is the American dream come true, and when McCain falters answering questions as basic as how many houses he has, the American public will see him for what he is, a dangerously out of touch candidate.
Keep it up both of you :)
The vid is a few minutes long, but you can never have too much of a good thing, right?
Introducing Johnny Mc7Cribs....
Though I feel BO could’ve gone after him even harder, the McCain camp's response is just a treat.
Average Americans are suffering even if Johnny Mc7Cribs isn’t. Most of us have one house, and many of us are struggling to keep hold of that one house, but enough of us have lost that struggle to expect a presidential candidate, even one as rich as McCain, to be sensitive to the suffering of his fellow Americans, anything less is just disrespectful. Then again, lack of respect seems to be becoming a theme of his campaign.
This latest stumble coming after McCain’s own economical adviser; Phil Gram had the f*ing gall to scoff at us, calling us ‘a nation of whiners‘. Gram's shameful coments made as millions of Americans suffer under abject circumstances he helped cause.
Of course Mc7Cribs distanced himself from those remarks for a couple of days, but I really believe he has a problem acknowledging that times are hard, and there's a great opportunity here.
In such a difficult economic environment, needing staff to tell you how many houses you own, is going to be extremely offensive to a LOT of Americans. Johnny Mc7Cribs is clearly a foot in mouth nominee, but he wouldn’t have purposely set out to offend, which leaves only one conclusion -- he's so out of touch, he really didn’t think his statement could offend.
If there was any doubt, his campaign’s response clearly highlights just how out of touch he is. Instead of apologizing to anyone that could’ve taken offence at such an insensitive answer, or claiming another ‘senior moment’, his campaign’s response was to attack BO. Not only did they try to draw a vague comparison by claiming that BO was also rich, but upped the stakes by inferring he was criminal too, but of course, he‘s black right?
Offensive as their response was, it still missed the point. Americans aren’t bothered whether or not their president is rich, in fact they'd LOVE one that’s self made (like BO), it proves that the dream is still alive. Their president doesn’t have to live like them either, but it’s nice when someone comes along who has (like BO)!
Americans just want to know that their president understands how decisions in washington effect them, that he or she is in touch with their reality, not a reality shared by a handful of the candidate's mega-rich buddies.
Again Barack Obama is unique in that respect he's lived as an average American.
A comment such as the one McCain made, would never have been made by a person who understood what his fellow countrymen were going through, by someone ‘in touch’ with his fellow citizens.
I wouldn't hold McCain’s advantaged life against him. I’ve always thought the charge of elitism was a ridiculous one to make, I don't see anything wrong with the fact McCain was brought up and lives in a privileged environment, as long as he understood what life for the rest of us was like. But, it's become obvious that McCain simply doesn’t understand the suffering of average Americans.
The McCain campaign’s response highlights just how fundamentally out of touch he and they are, they’ve gone so negative they can’t see the wood for the trees. They’re misreading all criticisms as negative attacks and are failing to address the genuine ones. Low info voters are just low info, it doesn’t necessarily follow that they’re low IQ too. People want to hear an answer, even his supporters will want to know that he’s not that out of touch.
People will begin to see the difference between the candidates; McCain looks like he's been brought up with a silver spoon shoved so far down his throat, he has silver service shit coming out of his ass. Whereas Mr Obama has worked hard to provide a better life for his children. BO is the American dream come true, and when McCain falters answering questions as basic as how many houses he has, the American public will see him for what he is, a dangerously out of touch candidate.
Keep it up both of you :)
I am outraged - Saakashvili just blamed the UK for WWII
Apologies for this short rant, but I need to get this off my chest. This whole Georgian affair is making me feel sick, it smacks of some Rovian tragedy, and to top it off my country has just been unfairly insulted, by one of the leading characters.
First the stench of Rove.
Every time Saakashvili opens his mouth it sounds like a party political broadcast on behalf of the repugs, God Knows how many times he's openly mentioned McCain's personal support. Is this some shallow effort to make up for Obama's success in Europe?
What gives it away for me is that we're now getting the Rovian 'On Message' stuff: Earlier today Condi Rice claimed that there was no place in the 21st Century for countries invading other countries just to remove governments they don't like, yeah right! Then a few moments ago we hear McBombit making the very same statement there is no place in the 21st Century for countries invading blah blah blah.
God the repugs are good at getting their message over when Rove's running things.
Of course neither Rice or McBombit added the caveat that the US were exempt from this kind of behavior.
It gets worse, asked whether he thought Saakashvili’s comments sounded like an endorsement of him, John McCain said (I’m paraphrasing) that we (the American electorate) needed to remember this (his) great reaction to these events and that experience should be a key consideration when we pick our next president.
The revolting McBombit is using a foreign country's military action against another foriegn country to try and score political points, it smacks of a set up to me.
Still never fear, this is the deluded McBombit we're dealing with, in the very next question he was asked whether he was happy with the way the Bush admin is dealing with it all, and whether he would use military action to protect the Georgian govt. himself. He answered the second question first by quite categorically saying NO he would not be sending in troops, but went onto say that he was happy with the way Bush is handling things and claimed that they were sending a 'clear' message to the Russians.
But, have I missed something here? didn't he just say he was NOT going to send any troops in? and if not then exactly what 'clear' message is he sending to Russia? that we'll stop selling stuff to them? that we're prepared to lose all the money we make from that country? that we'll cut our nose off to spite our face? yeah nice one!

Finally to cap my disgust with the whole affair and my deep suspicion about McSaakashvili, in an interview with CNN, Mikheil Saakashvili had the audacity to blame my country for the atrocities of WWII. BTW I'm British.
After claiming the US were not doing enough, and blaming them for not sending in soldiers to die defending his government's actions, he drew a world war two comparison. Saakashvili told us that the US refusing to send troops was like the British and Neville Chamberlain ‘giving up Czechoslovakia’ to the nazis, and went on to warn us that we all saw what happened after that.
I'm sorry but this pissed me off, both my grandfathers died along side four of their brothers defending Europe, our country fought alone for 3 long years, I lost great aunts courtesy of the Luftwaffe bombing campaigns of London, and to hear some gobshite tinpot president blame my country for WWII and the holocaust tops the lot for me.
First the stench of Rove.
Every time Saakashvili opens his mouth it sounds like a party political broadcast on behalf of the repugs, God Knows how many times he's openly mentioned McCain's personal support. Is this some shallow effort to make up for Obama's success in Europe?
What gives it away for me is that we're now getting the Rovian 'On Message' stuff: Earlier today Condi Rice claimed that there was no place in the 21st Century for countries invading other countries just to remove governments they don't like, yeah right! Then a few moments ago we hear McBombit making the very same statement there is no place in the 21st Century for countries invading blah blah blah.
God the repugs are good at getting their message over when Rove's running things.
Of course neither Rice or McBombit added the caveat that the US were exempt from this kind of behavior.
It gets worse, asked whether he thought Saakashvili’s comments sounded like an endorsement of him, John McCain said (I’m paraphrasing) that we (the American electorate) needed to remember this (his) great reaction to these events and that experience should be a key consideration when we pick our next president.
The revolting McBombit is using a foreign country's military action against another foriegn country to try and score political points, it smacks of a set up to me.
Still never fear, this is the deluded McBombit we're dealing with, in the very next question he was asked whether he was happy with the way the Bush admin is dealing with it all, and whether he would use military action to protect the Georgian govt. himself. He answered the second question first by quite categorically saying NO he would not be sending in troops, but went onto say that he was happy with the way Bush is handling things and claimed that they were sending a 'clear' message to the Russians.
But, have I missed something here? didn't he just say he was NOT going to send any troops in? and if not then exactly what 'clear' message is he sending to Russia? that we'll stop selling stuff to them? that we're prepared to lose all the money we make from that country? that we'll cut our nose off to spite our face? yeah nice one!
Finally to cap my disgust with the whole affair and my deep suspicion about McSaakashvili, in an interview with CNN, Mikheil Saakashvili had the audacity to blame my country for the atrocities of WWII. BTW I'm British.
After claiming the US were not doing enough, and blaming them for not sending in soldiers to die defending his government's actions, he drew a world war two comparison. Saakashvili told us that the US refusing to send troops was like the British and Neville Chamberlain ‘giving up Czechoslovakia’ to the nazis, and went on to warn us that we all saw what happened after that.
I'm sorry but this pissed me off, both my grandfathers died along side four of their brothers defending Europe, our country fought alone for 3 long years, I lost great aunts courtesy of the Luftwaffe bombing campaigns of London, and to hear some gobshite tinpot president blame my country for WWII and the holocaust tops the lot for me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Maybe just maybe the Dems are beginning to hit back...
Credit where credit's due, our man's stepped up the Barack-attacks, he's obviously not gonna let McCain get away with the low-life charge that he lacks patriotism. Earlier today he sounded genuinely upset by it when he addressed the Vets of Foreign Wars.
Maybe there's even a hint of more direct language, just a hint. Personally, I feel he should be a LOT more direct when defending himself or attacking McCain, but maybe he's started to move in that direction.
Also, it was great to see this ad from the DNC reminding us just how out of touch McBombit really is...
I really don't care whether he mentioned the $5M as a joke, or not, the last thing struggling Americans want to hear is a presidential nominee being flippant, especially after accusing us all of being whiners. The DNC have the ad smack on, the man is out of touch.
I’d like to see BO set up a team headed by a tough front-line surrogate purely to deconstruct and confront every illegitimate and negative charge McCain makes. Perhaps an extension to the web crew that take on all the online misinformation about Obama. It’ll make McCain look like the sleazy, bitter man he is.
Maybe there's even a hint of more direct language, just a hint. Personally, I feel he should be a LOT more direct when defending himself or attacking McCain, but maybe he's started to move in that direction.
Also, it was great to see this ad from the DNC reminding us just how out of touch McBombit really is...
I really don't care whether he mentioned the $5M as a joke, or not, the last thing struggling Americans want to hear is a presidential nominee being flippant, especially after accusing us all of being whiners. The DNC have the ad smack on, the man is out of touch.
I’d like to see BO set up a team headed by a tough front-line surrogate purely to deconstruct and confront every illegitimate and negative charge McCain makes. Perhaps an extension to the web crew that take on all the online misinformation about Obama. It’ll make McCain look like the sleazy, bitter man he is.
$5M Middle Class,
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Monday, August 18, 2008
What's been happening while I've been away?
Before I get into all that is not well in our world, I just had to leave you with a totally irrelevant but enjoyable pictorial reminder of that glorious day when McCain was forced to ponder that Viagra question...
Alright now can someone tell me how the fuck the repugs gained the upper ground on these three issues;
1. The Iraq war - There’s no discussion anymore about whether or not we should be in Iraq, it’s all about the fucking surge, which actually wasn’t a surge at all, it was just an increase in troop levels. I thought the prupose of the ‘surge‘ was so that the troops could come home, but there’s been no troop reduction, there are more troops in Iraq today than there were pre-surge, how’s that a success? The answer is it’s not, the only success here has been for the republican’s pr machine, they’ve done a corking job.
It’s true that Obama voted against the surge and he was right to, the reduction in violence had very little to do with any US military action on the ground, but back room diplomacy and double dealings. This is NOT an area where democrats should be losing ground, but McCain is happy to bring this up all day long. Why? Because it’s a ‘winning’ issue for him, who would’ve thought that any part of the Iraq war would be a ‘winning’ issue for the republicans that illegally drew us into that war. A total failure on behalf of the Democrat PR machine, if it can be called a machine at all.
2. Fuel costs - what the fuck? Republicans sit in congress without the lights on, refusing to go home until congress approves even greater profits for their big oil paymasters, and somehow manage to make those nasty profit grabbing oil companies look like the good guys.
Another example of the Democratic Party PR lawnmower failing. In fact that’s an understatement, they’ve failed so atrociously that McBombit feels confident enough to run ads blaming Obama and the Democratic Party leadership for the high gas prices. And the reason he feels confident enough to run the ads? -- 70% of the American public support off shore drilling.
Depressing as those stats are there’s one thing that can be drawn from them -- the American electorate have not got a fucking clue, it proves they can be ‘sold’ anything. A couple of them even bought the ‘wrong’ London bridge from us once!
3. Georgia - tell me WTF is up with that? - Saakashvilli uses all his airtime to make GOP party political broadcasts, maybe he’s positioning himself to run as McBombit’s VP! Let’s face it, he couldn’t be any worse than Romney, at least he’d offer a more reserved type of ‘bomb it and see’ conservatism.
I’m not even gonna touch on the ‘countries just don’t invade other countries in the 21st Century’, actually repeated by Bush, Rice and McBombit.
No it’s the other brand of hypocrisy I want to address: 200,000 people turn up to hear Obama make some tedious speech in Berlin, and he’s accused of being; presumptive, arrogant, too presidential etc. But, some tin-pot leader of a country most Americans never knew existed, mercilessly bombs citizens of a separatist leaning enclave in his country, which consequently draws the inevitable response from the Russians, and all of a sudden McCain’s talking as if they’ve invaded Bermuda, and starts posturing like it’s the cold war all over again, even tells us he’s sending an ‘envoy’.
So apparently, you can’t make a boring speech in front of 200,000 Europeans, but it’s a OK to threaten war with Russia! Tell me who’s being presumptive here?
Honestly it feels like a bad joke, maybe Ted Turner’s gonna make an announcement, tell us the whole thing was just a really badly conceived prank of his. Anything, please, but this can‘t really be happening, can it?
Alright now can someone tell me how the fuck the repugs gained the upper ground on these three issues;
1. The Iraq war - There’s no discussion anymore about whether or not we should be in Iraq, it’s all about the fucking surge, which actually wasn’t a surge at all, it was just an increase in troop levels. I thought the prupose of the ‘surge‘ was so that the troops could come home, but there’s been no troop reduction, there are more troops in Iraq today than there were pre-surge, how’s that a success? The answer is it’s not, the only success here has been for the republican’s pr machine, they’ve done a corking job.
It’s true that Obama voted against the surge and he was right to, the reduction in violence had very little to do with any US military action on the ground, but back room diplomacy and double dealings. This is NOT an area where democrats should be losing ground, but McCain is happy to bring this up all day long. Why? Because it’s a ‘winning’ issue for him, who would’ve thought that any part of the Iraq war would be a ‘winning’ issue for the republicans that illegally drew us into that war. A total failure on behalf of the Democrat PR machine, if it can be called a machine at all.
2. Fuel costs - what the fuck? Republicans sit in congress without the lights on, refusing to go home until congress approves even greater profits for their big oil paymasters, and somehow manage to make those nasty profit grabbing oil companies look like the good guys.
Another example of the Democratic Party PR lawnmower failing. In fact that’s an understatement, they’ve failed so atrociously that McBombit feels confident enough to run ads blaming Obama and the Democratic Party leadership for the high gas prices. And the reason he feels confident enough to run the ads? -- 70% of the American public support off shore drilling.
Depressing as those stats are there’s one thing that can be drawn from them -- the American electorate have not got a fucking clue, it proves they can be ‘sold’ anything. A couple of them even bought the ‘wrong’ London bridge from us once!
3. Georgia - tell me WTF is up with that? - Saakashvilli uses all his airtime to make GOP party political broadcasts, maybe he’s positioning himself to run as McBombit’s VP! Let’s face it, he couldn’t be any worse than Romney, at least he’d offer a more reserved type of ‘bomb it and see’ conservatism.
I’m not even gonna touch on the ‘countries just don’t invade other countries in the 21st Century’, actually repeated by Bush, Rice and McBombit.
No it’s the other brand of hypocrisy I want to address: 200,000 people turn up to hear Obama make some tedious speech in Berlin, and he’s accused of being; presumptive, arrogant, too presidential etc. But, some tin-pot leader of a country most Americans never knew existed, mercilessly bombs citizens of a separatist leaning enclave in his country, which consequently draws the inevitable response from the Russians, and all of a sudden McCain’s talking as if they’ve invaded Bermuda, and starts posturing like it’s the cold war all over again, even tells us he’s sending an ‘envoy’.
So apparently, you can’t make a boring speech in front of 200,000 Europeans, but it’s a OK to threaten war with Russia! Tell me who’s being presumptive here?
Honestly it feels like a bad joke, maybe Ted Turner’s gonna make an announcement, tell us the whole thing was just a really badly conceived prank of his. Anything, please, but this can‘t really be happening, can it?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Obama please, please, please get tough, but in language idiots like me would understand
I was initially so impressed with Obama through the primaries I thought his approach was perfect, but that was the primaries. He was in poll position and had a hell of a lot more to lose, by responding with like and going negative against Clinton. If he had, he risked dividing a party that he needed united if he won, but this is very different, this is the real thing.
What worked in the primaries isn’t necessarily going to work in the general, some maybe, but definitely not all. They key point to remember here is that half of the US electorate voted for Bush’s re-election.
I could just about forgive people voting for Bush in the first place, I mean he seemed like a nice enough bloke, he had his impeccable bi-partisan background, and after, what many independents would see as, the partisan failings of the Clinton administration, was probably seen as a positive by many people. But, Bush 04 was NOT that person, we’d already sucked it to see, and anyone could see that he sucked. Yet that didn’t stop half the electorate voting for him.
In fact, if I may remind you, more people voted for president Bush’s reelection than for any president in the history of this nation, there’s no backing away from the fact that Obama needs to convert hundreds of thousands maybe even a million of those same Re-Elect Bush voters. Remember these people were not sitting on the fence, they actually bothered their asses to go out and vote to ‘re-elect’ him, these aren’t people that take their politics lightly.
Obama either needs the greatest turn out of 18-30 yr olds in history, or he has to convert significant numbers of the Re-Elect Bush voters, if not, he’s gonna lose. And when I was 18-30 yrs old, I was all mouth and no trousers. I‘d warn against relying on America‘s youth to save us, they’ll talk a good game but where were the numbers last time the world desperately needed them 04?
Let me refer to the 70% of Americans supporting off-shore drilling again. If Bush’s re-election didn’t convince you that a large number of the American electorate are low information voters (I’m being kind), then that stat should. It should also highlight just how far from these voters this campaign has got at the moment. Off shore drilling is not the number 1 issue here, we all know that, it may possibly be part of the mid-term solution, but it isn’t the short term or long term solution, yet all the brahuha is focused on this marginal mid-term solution!
Every time Obama or a leader of the Democratic Party opens their mouth and makes intelligent noises they risk losing voters, Democrats, intelligent Independents even some smart Republicans will understand it, but they’ve already decided who they’ll vote for, they risk losing all those people that have only heard the charge of ‘elitist’, which I guarantee is gonna be ran and re-ran on the only news channel they watch, Fox. Past Memorial Day the election is all about low info voters.
The repugs have painted the Democratic party so effectively that even in their darkest hour they have something to cling to and it‘s not guns or religion, it‘s their low info voters and the charge of elitist socialists coming to destroy the world with their helpful, nice and giving ways.
What worked in the primaries isn’t necessarily going to work in the general, some maybe, but definitely not all. They key point to remember here is that half of the US electorate voted for Bush’s re-election.
I could just about forgive people voting for Bush in the first place, I mean he seemed like a nice enough bloke, he had his impeccable bi-partisan background, and after, what many independents would see as, the partisan failings of the Clinton administration, was probably seen as a positive by many people. But, Bush 04 was NOT that person, we’d already sucked it to see, and anyone could see that he sucked. Yet that didn’t stop half the electorate voting for him.
In fact, if I may remind you, more people voted for president Bush’s reelection than for any president in the history of this nation, there’s no backing away from the fact that Obama needs to convert hundreds of thousands maybe even a million of those same Re-Elect Bush voters. Remember these people were not sitting on the fence, they actually bothered their asses to go out and vote to ‘re-elect’ him, these aren’t people that take their politics lightly.
Obama either needs the greatest turn out of 18-30 yr olds in history, or he has to convert significant numbers of the Re-Elect Bush voters, if not, he’s gonna lose. And when I was 18-30 yrs old, I was all mouth and no trousers. I‘d warn against relying on America‘s youth to save us, they’ll talk a good game but where were the numbers last time the world desperately needed them 04?
Let me refer to the 70% of Americans supporting off-shore drilling again. If Bush’s re-election didn’t convince you that a large number of the American electorate are low information voters (I’m being kind), then that stat should. It should also highlight just how far from these voters this campaign has got at the moment. Off shore drilling is not the number 1 issue here, we all know that, it may possibly be part of the mid-term solution, but it isn’t the short term or long term solution, yet all the brahuha is focused on this marginal mid-term solution!
Every time Obama or a leader of the Democratic Party opens their mouth and makes intelligent noises they risk losing voters, Democrats, intelligent Independents even some smart Republicans will understand it, but they’ve already decided who they’ll vote for, they risk losing all those people that have only heard the charge of ‘elitist’, which I guarantee is gonna be ran and re-ran on the only news channel they watch, Fox. Past Memorial Day the election is all about low info voters.
The repugs have painted the Democratic party so effectively that even in their darkest hour they have something to cling to and it‘s not guns or religion, it‘s their low info voters and the charge of elitist socialists coming to destroy the world with their helpful, nice and giving ways.
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Political Stunt
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