Meanwhile we have the republican campaign desperately tracking the Dow before deciding what to say next, then understandably fucking it up anyway. McCain's first response to the crisis was to remind everyone of his lack of economic credentials by reiterating that he (alone) felt that the 'fundamentals of our economy were strong', but once realizing that it hadn't gone down too well and he was on his own in with his views on the fundamentals, he spent the next 24 hours backtracking, trying to convince us that by fundamentals he meant the workers, of course!
But, things get worse, realizing that the US public were not buying his 'fundamentals' line, he decided to come out and take action, make a statement of substance, and show the world that he 'gets it'. And what better way of doing that than finding someone to blame for it all. Knowing that even by Americas standards placing it at the feet of Barack Obama would be stretching it to breaking point, he went with Christopher Cox, chairman U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Yeah, that same Christopher Cox leading republican lawmaker and close ally of the Bush administration.
In classic McCain style he irresponsibly undermines his own party, government and president by pointing the finger at the head of the SEC, saying if he were president (oh Lord please no!) he'd have fired him. I'm not sure whether he realized at that point that Mr Cox had been appointed by President Bush, because Mr Cox shares the same crappy republican financial philosophy that if you leave the market alone it'll be alright on the night. Mr Cox was recruited as SEC Chairman specifically because he wouldn't regulate anyone, after all the market would work it all out eventually, right?....oooops!
Ten minutes after McCain let the whole world know he was holding Mr Cox personally responsible for all America's woes, the White House came out saying that the president was fully committed to the SEC chairman!
So, it seems Mr Cox is purely McCain's fall guy, Bush must have someone else in mind, perhaps himself, or John McCain for constantly voting against any proposed regulations aimed at governing Wall street and the greedy sub-prime mortgage fuck-wits, you know people like ex-McCain campaign chairman Phil Gramm. Confused? Don't worry McCain is too...
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