Recently I was doing some e-sniffing trying to dig up info about the Louvre Pyramid, you know the one featured in Dan Brown’s Davinci code and much favored of conspiracy theorists. Yeah, obviously I have a little more time on my hands than is healthy, but don’t judge, just don’t judge...
Anyway, on my virtual travels I stumbled across this confusing, yet somehow entertaining blog; HolyspiritVictorious4ever. It read like complete gobblygook (to me anyway), which I guess makes sense when you consider it‘s title, and I can attest to the fact you don’t have to be a keen numerologist to enjoy it. I was stunned by the number of dark satanic messages being sent using vehicles as innocuous as the latest lottery numbers, and perhaps understandably, with so much going on, the blog is updated frequently. Keeping track of so many events must be tiring, the keeper of the blog seems to be extremely committed, and I’m sure some would argue that they would need to be committed.
Though I have to admit, I’ve always wondered why it is that someone doesn’t just ask Ieoh Ming Pei whether he’s part of some grand satanic plan, or not, it would seem preferable to endlessly theorizing about it. After all, he seems like a nice enough bloke, approachable an’ all that. Then again, I have to admit when I took a ganders at the list of his upcoming projects one could argue that they’d sit neatly with a servant of Beelzebub. One project slated for next year (2009) is the NASCAR Hall of Fame, in Charlotte, North Carolina. I for one will be keeping a close eye on the precise number of bud lights consumed during its construction!
BTW I just don’t think we should ever forget that moment...
Other news -- as I reported un-exclusively yesterday, Andy Murray managed to finish off Rafa and ensure he'll be the first Brit since Greg Rusedski in '97 to contest a slam final. That occasion was also the US Open, unfortunately for us long suffering Brits Greg lost in straight sets to Pat Rafter. But, it get's better than that, if and it's a big if Andy manages to beat Fedex, he'll become the first Brit to win a slam since Virginia Wade won Wimbledon in 1977, and the first British man to win a slam since Fred Perry in 1936, who won both Wimbledon and the US Open that year.
So it's been a long time, even longer than the last time England won the football world cup. Saying that a lot rests on Andy's 21 yr old shoulders would be an understatement of extreme proportions.
Another understatement of extreme proportions would be to say that I am pissed off at the news that the right-wing media machine has successfully ensured that both Keith Olbermann and Chris Mathews are to be dropped from anchoring future MSNBC political events, you know like the fucking election in November.
This move ensures that there will be no liberal voices to be heard on election night, only right wing nuts. What price Fox calling the election for McBush before sunset on the east coast?
Here's a picture of Keith holding his flag, and looking more presidential than McBush. It's ironic that his love of country and fundamental belief that he should tell the truth has cost him media credibility. There has been no questioning of what he's said, no one has contradicted a word of what he's reported, yet they manage to marginalize him in this way, shame on NBC for bending to accommodate the right-wing and allowing this to happen.
Combined with the recent news of police arresting people in St Paul on suspicion of organizing a protest rally, it's nice to see we're taking a few significant strides towards a police state, something I've no doubt the socially minded founding fathers intended all along....
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