They sit there like all the death and destruction had nothing to do with them. If the US media, which has been the biggest disappointment of this entire election, weren’t so palpably in the pockets of their corporate paymasters, they may have asked a couple of those scoundrels to explain why they had supported Bush so vehemently for the last 8 years.
Maybe pushed them to say why they voted against things like regulation of our financial markets, or financing our veterans, why they blocked environmental moves, then ask where they stand on abortion, and why? Perhaps they’d tell the viewers why they still insisted on misleading them, of lying to the American people about Obama’s tax policies. Why wouldn’t they just tell the truth? they obviously believe there’s a reason the middle-class shouldn’t receive a tax break, why not tell us? and why it was they’re so desperate to ensure the rich kept getting disproportionately richer?
I mean this is their plan, if they thought it was so shit then instead of lying about it, why didn’t they try changing it? Or, is it because the US media are such corporate lap dogs they knew they’d get away with it?
Finally, I’d ask where they stood on the causes of global warming, and evolution, yeah, I’d ask which dinosaurs their grandpa kept as pets?
Of course no such questions were asked, or not that I saw during my wall to wall two year coverage of this election, it’s a fucking joke!
Instead, they got the usual lame questions from the incredibly lame media, the questioning of politicians by the media has been truly pathetic, and is accountable for the way this election, and future elections will be fought. These repugnant surrogates knew it, and had the gall to sit there and tell bare faced lies to the public, some even managed to keep a straight face whilst claiming that 27 year Senator McGrumpy and his cronies were best placed to make the changes Washington needs.
The media never pointed out that, perhaps the time to change Washington and it’s wasteful ways was when they were in power! But, of course republicans didn’t give a crap then.
Who the fuck are the republicans kidding? They have held power for the last 8 years, and controlled the senate for 12 of the last 16 years. Their president has presided over the most divisive period since the civil war, eroded any standing we had with
It‘s no coincidence that their beloved president‘s approval rating of 30% just about mirrors the percentage of republicans in the country!
They sit there spouting rubbish about bi-partisan this, and across the aisle that, but it’s all bollocks. The only reason McCain and his cronies would ’reach across the aisle’ was if they were in the minority in the senate and had no choice.
Americans better pray that Democrats receive a filibuster proof senate majority tomorrow, because the republicans that are left standing after tomorrow’s bloodbath will be sub-human, and will have no qualms about blocking acts of congress aimed at
Make no mistake these people are power hungry parasites, and they’re dangerous. They need to be thrown out into the cold, and the door slammed shut tight behind them. Tomorrow’s election couldn’t come a moment too early.
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