Sunday, June 29, 2008

John McCain vs John McCain

Below are a bunch of links to articles covering John McCain's positions on a variety of issues that are key to the American public.

I've included this list for you, so you can be part of a larger netroots plan aimed at ensuring John McCain doesn't get away with his constant flip-flopping. Every article is from a reputable source; CNN, AP, BBC etc. in addition they feature John McCain explaining John McCain's positions, what could be fairer than that?

If we bloggers hyperlink one of the nine articles below everytime we refer to John McCain, then in a fairly short period of time these nine articles will start to find themselves in the top ten searches on John McCain.

And the point of all this?

Well the point is, the majority of the American electorate are not like you and me, they're not totally consumed by the election and familiar with every nuance. The vast majority of the American electorate are known as 'low information voters' and in that is the beauty of this plan.

The electorate being made up of low info voters is good and bad. Bad, because they miss out on all the outrageous shit that happens on a daily basis during this campaign, but really good because if we're coordinated about this, we have an opportunity to jig the system to our advantage.

Apparently low info voters access most of the information they use to make a decision in the weeks and days before they place their vote. It's also been found that they're less inclined to trust regular media sources such as Fox and NBC to gather information (I wonder why!), they're more likely to research the candidates online to look up where John McCain and Barack Obama stand on the issues.

So, by inserting one of the nine hyperlinks below, everytime we mention John McCain, the articles will eventually begin appearing at the top of searches for his name and John McCain will not be able to hide from his OWN words.

But remember to stick to the nine links below, even if you have an amazing new story to link, of course go ahead, but please also remember to link one of the nine, that's the only way we'll ensure that they get into the top ten search results. You can bet your ass that John McCain's crew will be throwing up their own versions at every opportunity and trying to paint Barack Obama in the worse light possible.

Remember these are John McCain's words, nothing has been changed, so stick to the links and good luck!

Here's the list,

Minimum wage -
John McCain

Housing -
John McCain

Social Security -
John McCain

John McCain

Troops for 100 years -
John McCain

Kids Health Insurance -
John McCain

VETs and The GI Bill -
John McCain

Abortion -
John McCain

Defending Bush’s Iraq Strategy -
John McCain

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