Monday, June 30, 2008

Went to Venice met know the Suzanne, the one that feeds you tea and oranges from China

A strange thing happened to me yesterday. The magician and I had been railed into taking F and his Russian buddy Vladin to the beach. We got up usually early on Sunday morning and drove to West Hollywood to pick F up, got him in the car and headed to Vlad’s place, a few blocks down Fountain, met with the Russians and their enormous, growling golden retriever, it was the size of a small pony. After sharing some awkward pleasantries with Vlad’s parents, Vladin, F, the magician, Vlad’s dad Lenny and me headed to Venice in convoy.

Vlad’s dad drove like all Russians do; Rasputin on steroids, with absolutely no regard for the traffic laws of whichever land they happen to find themselves in, riding tight to the bumpers of old ladies and gang members alike Lenny’s road bullying was totally indiscriminate.

Unfortunately, Lenny had some pretty specific parking plans, so I had to ride close to , doubling down on his cut-ups and cut-offs. If it was anyone other than Lenny I’d have been pissed, especially as the F had insisted on riding with Vlad in Lenny’s truck.

But, I forgive Lenny a lot, he would’ve been totally unaware of any offence his atrocious driving may have caused, nor had it been inspired by anything as pathetic as machismo, no, this guy was genuinely fucked up.

Lenny had spent 4 years fighting in Afghanistan back in the early 80s, you know, back when it was really horrible over there. During that first foray by a superpower into that mountainous land of goats and poppy fields, he’d been drafted into the Red Army. Man, I’ve heard some pretty miserable stories about the poor sods conscripted to serve there, but one of the worst had nothing to do with guns and bombs, but a famed soviet army cocktail.

Due to a near constant, woeful lack of provisions and driven by a desperate need to escape the horrors inflicted on them by the CIA funded Mujahideen, pretty much everyone from freshly arrived conscripts to seasoned colonels downed a nasty cocktail of diesel (yup that stuff truckers poor into their tanks) and aftershave for some temporary drunken release. I know from experience that soviet era aftershave/perfume was not at all nice and that was just to smell let alone drink the fucking stuff!

Anyway, pretty soon and I guess not so surprisingly they discovered that regular consumption of the cocktail resulted in blindness. Sometimes the blindness was temporary, lasting just a couple of weeks!!! But for the less fortunate it became permanent. Still, due to these very same side-effects, the popularity of the perfumed pick-me-up boomed, blindness was considered a reasonable risk for a guaranteed one way ticket home. The Red Army was an equal opportunity employer but they drew the line at blindness.

It wasn’t long before the Red Army in central Asia found themselves incapacitated and blindness a problem of pandemic proportions, these mysterious cases of blindness ultimately came to the attention of the politburo and their comrades in the KGB, soon after the low octane cocktail was discovered as being the cause of their troubles.

Red Army generals were far less accommodating when dealing with any subsequent outbreaks, temporary sufferers were forced to sit out their blindness the Kabul equivalent of the black hole of Calcutta, though I doubt guests would’ve known too much about the black hole part, but permanent sufferers got it really bad, they got their one-way ticket except it wasn’t home, but to the salt mines of Yakutsk.

Lenny had suffered from the temporary version and it seemed his 20 days in the black hole of Kabul was enough to prompt him to attempt a little sobriety.

Blindness from swigging gasoline wasn’t the only blight to the otherwise formidable and heroic Red Army, Afghani smack had become all the rage too. Kids from country towns had never heard of the stuff, but the cities of central asia the opium poppy grew everywhere, these guys returned and started harvesting their own versions. By the early 80s smack was everywhere in the USSR.

And I know this how, well once upon a time my reprobate mate, Sean and I attempted cleaning up in Moscow circa ‘86, bang in the middle of the cold war and at the height of the Afghan offensive. Gorby had just taken power and that wall in Berlin was still graffiti free at least on the Eastern side it was. We mistakenly surmised that Moscow had to be one of the cleanest cities on earth, after all Gorby had just banned vodka, so we figured it was safe to assume there wouldn’t be too many temptations to lure us from our chosen route, but we were wrong very wrong.
From the steps of Ivan the Terrible’s Cathedral, through Red Square and to the Kremlin, dealers plied their trade, it was probably one of the worse placs to go and one of the easiest in which to score smack.

I digress, I was able to forgive Lenny the odd driving faux pas, what was interesting about our jolly jaunt to the beach was that we parked up next to a weird looking truck house (pic to the side) it looked similar to the kinda pikey caravan I’d seen when I was growing up in the English countryside in the 60s. There was nothing much to note other than the weird wooden siding, but when we returned the owner was in a deck chair on the grass next to her truck house, F and Vladin had already taken over her peaceful peace of the world so I went to retrieve and politely introduced myself, she asked if I was visiting and I explained that I kind of was but only from downtown as I’d moved here a number of years ago. Anyway, we got talking she was expectedly nuts, but interesting. She was all about what I did and I told her that I worked in the music industry, that’s when she dropped the bombshell, she claimed she was Suzanne, you know the Suzanne, Leonard Cohen’s ’Suzanne’.
Look, the woman was living in a parking lot, what would you’ve thought…right! Me too, I took it all with a pinch of salt, but I wasn’t a dick about it, I stayed polite, still it kinda put me out a bit so I gathered the kids and skipped off to the ocean for a dip.

Anyway, a long tedious story short, I got back later that night looked the song up and fuck me sideways with a fish fork, if it wasn’t written about a woman called Suzanne Verdal. There was a picture of her and the clincher, she’s known to be homeless in Venice, there was even a picture of the weird truck house she lives in.

F and Vlad have no idea, they'd spent part of their afternoon with perhaps the most famous beatnik muse, ex-wife of Armand Vaillancourt, the Suzanne.

You can read a BBC interview with Suzanne here. The picture above and the interview courtesy of

Sunday, June 29, 2008

John McCain vs John McCain

Below are a bunch of links to articles covering John McCain's positions on a variety of issues that are key to the American public.

I've included this list for you, so you can be part of a larger netroots plan aimed at ensuring John McCain doesn't get away with his constant flip-flopping. Every article is from a reputable source; CNN, AP, BBC etc. in addition they feature John McCain explaining John McCain's positions, what could be fairer than that?

If we bloggers hyperlink one of the nine articles below everytime we refer to John McCain, then in a fairly short period of time these nine articles will start to find themselves in the top ten searches on John McCain.

And the point of all this?

Well the point is, the majority of the American electorate are not like you and me, they're not totally consumed by the election and familiar with every nuance. The vast majority of the American electorate are known as 'low information voters' and in that is the beauty of this plan.

The electorate being made up of low info voters is good and bad. Bad, because they miss out on all the outrageous shit that happens on a daily basis during this campaign, but really good because if we're coordinated about this, we have an opportunity to jig the system to our advantage.

Apparently low info voters access most of the information they use to make a decision in the weeks and days before they place their vote. It's also been found that they're less inclined to trust regular media sources such as Fox and NBC to gather information (I wonder why!), they're more likely to research the candidates online to look up where John McCain and Barack Obama stand on the issues.

So, by inserting one of the nine hyperlinks below, everytime we mention John McCain, the articles will eventually begin appearing at the top of searches for his name and John McCain will not be able to hide from his OWN words.

But remember to stick to the nine links below, even if you have an amazing new story to link, of course go ahead, but please also remember to link one of the nine, that's the only way we'll ensure that they get into the top ten search results. You can bet your ass that John McCain's crew will be throwing up their own versions at every opportunity and trying to paint Barack Obama in the worse light possible.

Remember these are John McCain's words, nothing has been changed, so stick to the links and good luck!

Here's the list,

Minimum wage -
John McCain

Housing -
John McCain

Social Security -
John McCain

John McCain

Troops for 100 years -
John McCain

Kids Health Insurance -
John McCain

VETs and The GI Bill -
John McCain

Abortion -
John McCain

Defending Bush’s Iraq Strategy -
John McCain

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Appalachia not a lost cause

I watched the excellent David Novack documentary ‘Burning the Future’ recently. The film focuses on the horrendous effects those dirty, dirty coal industry practices have on the communities of West Virginia.

Below is a 2 minute preview of the movie, but there's an extended version on Coalmine’s youtube page here and loads more information at and the Citizens Lead for Energy Action Now - CLEAN.

The film is an all too (depressingly) common story about dirty business as usual, outrageous corporate abuses protected by outrageous political abuses.
Coal, or rather the hideous corporations that exploit its energy, control the state and people of West Virginia, those poor sods are literally trapped by the stuff.

A little while ago there was an excellent DailyKos diary by dawnt it gave a great insight into the minds and attitudes of the Appalachian people. He made some great points in his piece, but I fancy he could be wrong with one assumption:

I know that we cannot win West Virginia on Tuesday. We cannot win Kentucky next week. We cannot win Appalachia in November.

Obama picked up more votes than McCain in WV (91,747 - 89,782), when you throw on Clinton's votes the Democrats outperformed Repulseviks by a margin of over 3-1 and regardless of any 'chaotic' attempts to stop an African American president, it's still a hell of a lot of people crossing a box on a Democratic ballot.

Dawnt's scenario seems most likely and was backed up by Kos with some recent polling...

Nor should West Virginia be competitive, but McCain is showing some surprising early weakness. West Virginia Rasmussen. 6/2. Likely voters. MoE 4% (No trend lines) McCain (R) 45 Obama (D) 37 The crosstabs: Total Men Wom GOP Dem Other McCain 45 41 50 78 32 36 Obama 37 40 34 13 48 39 Kerry only won Democrats in West Virginia by a 69-30 margin in 2004, so they are already not a bunch inclined to vote en masse for their presidential candidate. And it would take an epic McCain collapse for Obama to match those numbers, much less improve on them.

True something epic is needed and although an epic collapse would be nice, what about an epic effort?

That 37% looks like progress to me, remember only 26% of brave West Virginian Democrats (props to them) came out for Obama in the primary.

Kos added...

It appears that McCain's weakness with Republicans and independents is making this race artificially close. But when Republicans come home, and the Appalachian Democrats don't, this state will likely go Red. This is certainly one of those few states in which Hillary would've done better.

For sure Hillary would've done better, or rather would've had it a lot easier, but for McCain to win he still needs to do some work of his own. McBombit needs to attract a large chunk of those registered Democrats and as Kos points out he also needs those Refux to 'come home', but I don't believe that's a forgone either.

McCain's not Hillary and in terms of any Demoprats that may be tempted remember he's carrying the baggage of a pretty unpopular party and then there's the issue of whether he can galvanize those deeply conservative elements of his party. One thing's for sure, he can't be allowed to rest on his laurels, if he's gonna win it, he must be made to fight to win it.

I'm not sure the fight for Appalachia is a forgone conclusion and believe that 37% Obama's already attracting can be built on.

If you want a reason why all those 'hard working white' Democrats could back Obama in Nov then watch the film, there's a whole heap of discontent to be tapped into. The documentary featured some very white, extremely blue collar folks who in all likelihood voted GW in the last two elections and in spite of Hillary's coal corp connections voted overwhelmingly for her in their recent primary.

A couple of well thought out policy commitments and these 'clingy' white people could be among the first to feel the benefits of an Obama presidency.

It could be a perfectly placed state to lead the development of new non fossil fuels, employing all those workers laid off by the coal industry using taxes levied on that industry for investment into new fuel concepts and I'm NOT talking about that horror of an oxymoron 'clean coal'!

Mathew Bachand from the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute sums up 'clean coal' best in his Energy Generating a Culture: Early American Coal Miners and Coal Mining Culture an effort to return the party to the White House, (John Kerry) made clean coal technology a key point in his plan for energy independence...'clean coal' in the modern era of global warming is a phrase roughly the equivalent of 'safe sex'; in the era of HIV/AIDS...

For fuck sake there has to be some alternative to churning up the rest of WV in an attempt to build a 'New Kuwait' and lay our hands on those '70 Billion Barrels' of Fischer-Tropsch synthetic oil, it's the mining process that's killing the people of WV.

Appalachia is not a lost cause, we will need to put in an epic effort and take on board dawnt's suggestions...

...that does not mean we should give up on them or work less hard for them...It means we should work even harder. Call it bridging the ignorance gap, if you will. Progress is not something that you just order on the Internet and pickup at Sears in twenty minutes -- we have to work for it in every corner of America...

Of course, there are going to be people who'll vote on skin shades, but unlike states with large African American populations there are no community battles going on in WV. Instead their fear is based in the unknown, the unfamiliar, but that can be addressed by 'bridging the ignorance gap', building familiarity, camping out in Appalachia and making our arguments. Then just maybe, sufficient numbers could come out for Obama.

Obama being Obama he's already a step ahead, kicking off his general campaign in...Appalachia, arm in arm with Webbo, that blue collar vet with a conservative background, spot on!

These poor Appalachian's are literally fighting for their lives and one thing's for sure, the last thing WV and its neighbor states need is more of the same.

Why I voted for Ken Livingstone and what I see in Barack Obama

I'm not at all proud of it but, I've only voted once before in my life, that was in 2000 for the now ex-mayor of London Ken Livingstone, so I don't have a history of dropping my knickers for just any political johnny-come-lately. For me to get as caught up as I am in this race is rare.

Ken was an old school socialist and this would be the first time in London’s history that Londoners could elect a mayor. Although Ken had long been affiliated to the Labour Party, he had a problem. Tony Blair the newly crowned King of Labour disliked Ken with some intensity, Livingstone represented all that the shiny new centrist Blair considered wrong and unelectable within the Labour party, you see Ken was one of those terribly dangerous socialists, he believed in crazy shit like social justice, equality, equal opportunity, public health, public schools, an effective social welfare system, political accountability and improving public services.

I've embedded a video below, which I think shows Ken Livingstone for what he is -- one of the most genuine politicians on earth. At 10 minutes it's probably a little long, he can be a bit monotone at times, but it's worth watching through. Ken’s addressing a gathered group of dignitaries in City Hall and apologizing for Britain's participation in the slave trade, watch as his raw emotions nearly take over.

Blair was so fearful of a Livingstone mayoralty that, incredibly, in order for Ken’s name to even appear on the primary ballot, Livingstone had to promise that if (read - when) he lost the nomination he wouldn’t run as an Independent. So, Ken’s name wouldn’t be on the ballot and he’d get chucked out of his party before he’d done anything wrong, before he had even contemplated whether he would run as an independent.

You have to know that Ken had given his life to this party, he’d been a member since school, he’d rallied and knocked on doors in unpopular elections, he’d fought on the streets in bloody battles with the police defending miners rights against the Thatcher regime, he worked internationally with likeminded politicians (picture right) as a vehement critic of apartheid at a time when the Thatcher/Reagan axis of evil opposed any economic sanctions against the regime in South Africa.

Meanwhile Blair and his lawyer buddies were in Oxford, picnicking on the Isis and looking really cool (picture left).

Basically, Blair wanted him out of the Labour party.
Having a good feel for the rank and file of the party and without much choice in the matter, in good faith Ken agreed. He was right to have faith in the rank and file, accordingly, during the nomination process, party activists voted overwhelmingly in favor of his candidacy.

But, Blair had no intention of allowing this ‘loose wire’ anywhere near the mayoralty, famously claiming that a Livingstone win ‘would be an absolute disaster for Londoners’, so he turned his attentions to people he could bully -- the sitting MPs and MEPs who would have the final say.

The votes of the 2-300 sitting MPs and MEPs (European Parliament Members) were weighted in such a way that they could ’overrule’ the 70,000 odd Labour Party activists and union members who’d voted for Ken. It was a dirty move and Ken lost the nomination.

This had never happened before, previously the will of the activists would be reflected by their parliamentary representatives (MPs and MEPs). The situation caused outrage and was seen as the first genuine stain Blair‘s previously pristine record. Something he’d also hold Livingstone accountable for.

Because of the manner in which Ken had been deprived there soon developed a burgeoning ground floor movement aimed at convincing Ken to run anyway. After some pushing he reluctantly resigned from the Labour Party and announced he was to run as an independent. His decision was not about ego, it was about a genuine concern for London and its residents, it was about as far from the Leiberman situation as you could get.

Ken had next to no money, anyone seen to be assisting his campaign fell foul of the Blair machine, he was outspent and out muscled by them, and although Blair and his centrist cronies screamed from the roof tops that Ken was breaking his pledge, he still managed to beat off the official Conservative, Liberal and Labour Party candidates to become the first elected mayor of London.

In victory he showed grace, stating he was confident that he’d be campaigning for re-election as a member of the Labour party.

In 2002 his application to have his membership reinstated was refused, only when Blair saw 2003 polling indicating that the unpopular Labour party’s official candidate could end up finishing a humiliating fourth, did they agree to Livingstone being reinstated to the party. They needed Ken a LOT more than he needed them. In 2004, he was re-elected Mayor as the official Labour Party candidate fulfilling his prophecy.

By 2008 Blair’s Labour party had become so unpopular that had he cut them adrift and ran as an independent, he would’ve almost certainly been re-elected, but instead he chose to stay loyal to his party and run as the official Labour candidate carrying all Blair’s political baggage, the very crap he’d so vociferously railed against throughout the 80s and 90s…he lost.

and so ends today’s tedious British political history lesson.

My point is, that was the first time I’d been inspired to vote, I believed in Ken Livingstone, here was a true political maverick, not a fair-weather politician, he showed humility and strength of conviction. I also knew that he needed every vote and that he was relying on disaffected people like me to get him elected, without us he’d have failed. Londoners and the city prospered under his guidance, but all that was a dozen years ago and I’ve not been as enthused about a political candidate since, until Barack Obama crashed into my life late last year.

I see a lot of Livingstone in Obama, not his politics so much as his character and it really appeals to me. Not only that but where Ken could only affect a city, Obama would have real power as leader of the western world.

There are a few obvious benefits of being English; I'm not obese, I don't wear plaid and I can read, but there's one other less obvious one and that is I'm unable to vote this time around. The fact that I am denied the vote has inspired me to look at other ways I can have an impact and has meant I've become far more proactive than I would’ve been. I’m committed to doing all I can to persuade others to help ensure Barack Obama is elected President of the US.

There is no doubt in my mind that Barack Obama has the ability to become one of the greatest presidents in US history, but more than this, I believe he will be a president for all communities on our planet, at a time when the planet desperately needs a leader. Conversely, I believe that should he fail to win in November and another Republican administration is installed, it could spell the end of the US as you and your forefathers knew it. This election is that important.

That your beautiful constitution, a document I’ve grown to appreciate more and more since arriving here, is in such peril, should be reason enough for people to pour into the streets demanding change.

That young Americans, Iraqis and Englishmen are dying in their thousands every year in a pointless war of attrition that should never have been waged in the first place, should be reason enough for people to pour into the streets demanding change.

That we carry the shame of millions of children in this country have to go to school with tooth ache because they cannot afford a visit to the dentist, that their mothers and fathers have to work with headaches, back pains and sprains because they too cannot afford a doctor’s visit, should be reason enough for people to pour into the streets demanding change.

That futures traders and oil companies can report record profits while gasoline hits record prices at the pump, and low income workers lose jobs because they can no longer afford the commute, damning their families to a life of subsistence in a crippled social welfare system, should be reason enough for people to pour into the streets demanding change.

That communities ripped apart by flooding and tornadoes are left to fend for themselves by an uninterested ruling-class who refuse to invest in the country's infrastructure to protect against such tragedies, should be reason enough for people to pour into the streets demanding change.

That filthy corporations controlled by the same ruling-class are given a free reign to tear our planet apart at the seams, in a rabid pursuit of profit, while refusing to provide the most basic, should be reason enough for people to pour into the streets demanding change.

But for me, it’s the rotting image I can see of the world that my son will become a man in and the absolute horror of the world that could await his children, if something radical doesn't happen very soon.

This is the reason I demand change and have committed to do all I can to ensure it.

But Obama has a LOT to live up to, here’s Ken earlier this year:-

I don't need to tell the people here today that George Bush and those he represents did not go to war for humanitarian motives. He went to war to try and secure control of the resources of the people of the Middle East for the United States. He helped send the price of oil to some of the highest levels in history and brought the US down in a bloody quagmire which has discredited his regime not only in the Middle East, but through out the world.

Bush has tried to justify the war by demonising its opponents especially the Muslim communities in every part of the world. That is why it has been so heartening to see the Muslim community standing together with the peace movement in the forefront of this great anti-war movement. This movement represents the real views of the great majority of Londoners and indeed of the entire worlds population.
Like others I’ve also had to question whether some of Obama's stances are driven by political motivation and whether there’s a politician under all that sugary goodness, but of course there is. There's no way that man could've come out of 20 years of south side Chicago politics and in his first term win the Democratic Party's nomination for president if he wasn't one of the smartest politicians to grace the capitol.

So I've decided to at least allow him the benefit of doubt. I believe in Barack Obama but I’m not doing this for Barack Obama, I’m doing it for my son and your children.

Friday, June 27, 2008

One of the Things I find Shit

More things I find shit – the shock of the moment has to be the winding down of V2 records’ new music operation, in other words, they’ve wound down their activity as a legitimate record label - you know one that signs, records and promotes new talent along with a stable of established artists! They’ve decided to throw in the towel on that financially risk laden, reward starved side of the business, you know, the side that we actually dig, the one that keeps us supplied with new music.

Now, I’m not claiming for a minute that V2 were the best at promoting new music, in fact some would say they sucked, but this label’s roster read like a fucking who’s who of major selling contemporary artists, two that spring to mind are Moby and The White Stripes! Is someone really telling me that V2 were so inept they couldn’t profit from these band’s records? Jack White is probably the most sought after recording artist in the US today, he even turned an old lady platinum without the use of eco-unfriendly hair dye!

The seriously worrying aspect of all this is that we seem to be striding ever closer to the nightmare scenario where that grim virtual reality show they call MySpace, and others like it, will be the only vehicle for consumers (that’s what they call us!) to access new music. But, are we seriously gonna be left to our own devices?

It all sounded great a few years back, music was enjoying a resurgence and we could boot-leg it all for free, not sure anyone really thought, or cared about how it was going to continue, but hey, what the fuck! they could all afford it, they were all rich, weren’t they? Well, no, not all of them, of course you’re right as far as that fat-wanker Sir Elton John and his balding band of badly dressed bum chums were concerned, it probably meant that he and few others would have to cut back on the rent boys for a month or two, which was probably good for their health anyway, but there were many others who weren’t living in quite the same opulence, for starters just about every music loving independent record label and their artists.

You might not know this but independent labels have acted as the industry’s nursery, providing new talent for the past 20-30 years, they’re the ones that take the big risks NOT the majors. The major label’s part in this performance is quite simple, they wait until they see some foolish indie has developed a market for a new artist, then they approach that new artist and convince them that with a little financial fertilization their small, but loyal and appreciative market could grow, to a big, disloyal, unappreciative one, remarkably nearly every artist they approach will follow them.

So now the majors are reneging on holding up their side of this already disjointed deal and are no longer picking up the new bands they feel show potential, and as these eternally-greedy corporations already ate their own young back in the 90s when they aggressively took over nearly every happening independent label and squeezed the ones they couldn’t out of existence, where’s the new music going to come from?

You see the majors have always done absolute nothing in terms of supporting artist development, no surprise really as they’re not run by people that understand or care about music, no, unfortunately the asylum was taken over by the doctors years ago.
Now the industry is run by accountants and lawyers whose sole interest is to turn a profit for themselves and their shareholders. Most major labels are subsidiaries of public listed companies for fuck sake, Bono picks up a coke habit and delays recording on the next U2 album and share prices drop. So margins and making their Gs and Ns combine neatly with their Ps is what they’re all about and who can blame them? they’re self-serving corporations after all, why should they operate any differently from other self-serving corporations? it doesn’t matter to them whether they’re selling music or flange-grommets they’ve incorporated the same methods, just that it doesn’t seem to be working, well not at the moment anyway.

When you see a company the size of V2 wind up the new music side of their operation the writing is on the wall. V2 is officially the world’s biggest indie, but to all intent and purpose it operates just as a major and so it is no surprise that just like V2 the majors are also concentrating on the re-issue market. Music retail space has been shrinking for years, so they need to generate the same profit with less shelf space and they found that they can do it (for a while) with DVDs and what better way is there to fill all that extra DVD memory than cramming it full of Elvis ‘b’ sides, along with a couple of pictures of pretty Priscilla at Neverland or whatever the fuck it’s called.

I’m afraid it’s more than the beginning of the end for the traditional record label, I think the end came a couple of years back but we were too busy bootlegging Neil Young tunes to notice.

The majors are wholly responsible for the position the industry finds itself in today, it has been run by shortsighted, short-term profit driven, poor quality executives for too long. It’s funny really when you think that they’re seriously hoping to weather the storm and ride it all out, but just like Monty Python’s French diner and his wafer thin mint, there will come a time when the market will not take another repackaged Lionel Ritchie Christmas album, with or without the cranberry colored wrapping paper that came with it. The value of these catalogues will begin to depreciate and they will lose money and we’ll be asking, what happened to the new music? And we’re not talking about those manufactured Pop Idols with their trained voices and trained minds bilging out mediocre Americana, we mean The Clash, where are The Clash?

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

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